At 1 pm on Wednesday, NVE’s statistics on how much water is in the reservoirs came out. This shows that the fill rate in Norway has increased and now stands at 69.4 percent. This is 1.5 percentage points (pp.) higher than a week ago.
It rises most in price zone 01, which is Oslo, Innlandet and most of Viken. There, the occupancy rate increased by 7.4 (pp.) to 76.1 percent.
This could have an impact on electricity prices in the short term, says a power expert.
Need more rain: Oil and Energy Minister Terje Ausland is happy if it rains.
Photo: Lise Åserud
– We have a weather-based power system, Oil and Energy Minister Terje Ösland told NRK on Friday. He is happy every time it rains.
If so, he has a lot to look forward to today.
Because now the water is rising in lakes all over the country, while in Europe it is blowing well outside.
The price of electricity in three price zones in southern Norway drops to almost 0 øre per kilowatt hour on Thursday night, figures show.
North Pond
According to
These are the lowest electricity prices this year in E24, Southern Norway.
Last week, NRK had a camera stationed at Telemark to take pictures of the Sundsparmvatnet lake. A change is visible within a week. Skagerak Kraft’s measurements show an increase of 3.5 meters in one week.
What does this mean for electricity bills?
– Every drop counts.
That’s what Dore Rier Lilleholt, head of analytics at analytics firm Value Insight, says.
Power analyst Tor Reier Lilleholt believes there will be plenty of snow this winter.
Photo: Asbjørn Odd Berge / NRK
However, he fears that electricity prices will drop permanently as the rainy season this autumn is too short.
Because not only the water rises, the consumption also rises as the outside temperature drops.
– We should expect a mild winter, says Lilleholt. At the same time, he believes there will be plenty of snow in the mountains, which can melt and fill the reservoirs again in the spring.
Only then will Lillehold believe that electricity prices will be more stable.
Happy with rainy weather
All summer long, Oil and Energy Minister Terje Ösland follows the weather forecast.
– It’s exciting, he told NRK before the weekend.
He also said that every time it rains, thumbs up messages and pictures accumulate on his mobile phone.
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