Open days on a weekly basis – space for children to participate

Open days on a weekly basis – space for children to participate


“Children who have the time to figure out what they want. Staff who spend quality time together. A little stress and a good amount of time creates room for being in the moment and for caring about the child where it is in their expression,” the article’s authors wrote.

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Open days are a time that is allocated and made visible in the weekly schedule where there is no predetermined schedule set by the teacher related to educational activities, gatherings or excursions. The focus is on the daily events that occur on this day.

The open days in the weekly schedule allow adults in kindergarten to get closer to the children, and the quality of educational work on the open days improves because adults can be fully present where the children are. It is easier to analyze and observe patterns of interaction and to recognize children as young people and as toys. There is no focus on what one has to “go through”, which means adults can devote themselves more to what is happening. This creates a sense of greater reciprocity in the adult-child relationship because the adult becomes dependent on following what is happening in the situation to create content rather than following a pre-established plan.

There will be greater equality between children and adults because it is in the interaction between children and adults that the content of the day is shaped, and not in the predetermined priorities of adults.

A little stress and a good time

Such a practice appreciates everyday situations and everyday moods.

Staff that takes good time for all everyday situations like meals, diaper changes and clothes. Children who have time to find out what they want. Staff who spend quality time together. A little tension and enough time create room for being in the moment and for caring for the baby where he is in his expression. This interest raises the importance of the relationship because the presence creates space for dialogue with the children. A dialogue that can bring us closer to what children care about, wonder about, and wonder about.

This is a practice that requires significant adult presence. Attendance requires the educator to dare to open up to something new to happen. Where the educator allows room for doubt as one does not always have an answer and a finished plan, but there is room for the question What could this be? An educational practice where children’s curiosity, curiosity and playful expressions are of great importance in how kindergarten is run and everyday life is organized.

Such kind of pedagogical attention is not applicable if the days in kindergarten become highly organized and pre-set. On structured days, the pedagogical plan controls most of the day, physical activity and facilitation. Sometimes to the point where one loses sight and deprives children of the opportunity to participate from their point of view and where they are. The Framework Plan makes clear that children’s play should be a priority and an essential activity in kindergarten. It is easy, however, to lose this perspective, with respect to the many other requirements of a framework plan, and the result may be that adult-led activities exceed children’s ability to play freely and spontaneously and reveal their lifestyle – play.

important game

If you ask the children in kindergarten, play is one of the most important things for them. If adults are to be able to meet the child as a subject, we must show respect for their playful way of life and convey an understanding that there are important processes from the child’s perspective. It must be well done that children’s expressions, inputs and initiatives gain access if large portions of the weekly plan are planned. It is about children’s opportunities to be active contributors to their own lives.

Open days are days when adults and children can wonder what they are up against on this day. Days when children’s questions, fun way of life and theories around the world can be followed. The experience is that these days automatic learning situations appear quite often, which can be picked up and developed. Then plans can emerge from the experiences and interests that have been captured among the children. This is about children’s opportunity to participate. Such kind of participation requires educators to change their plans, to be open and flexible. Requires plans to allow for presence among and with children.

Presence creates time and space to follow what happens when it happens.

Whether it’s to pursue an initiative and question an insect found outside, or a struggle between two children in a play. Whatever the case, there is more time and space to follow on the open days. It opens up to being where what happens can be taken seriously and with interest.

Attention that can challenge or shift the scheme, to what is happening right before our eyes in meeting the children.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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