Labor had decided in advance to vote against the so-called consultative referendum. Labor veteran Eric S. Winter disagreed and had a tongue in cheek during the poll.
This has caused repercussions within the party.
– Do not warn that a clear party must overturn the decision, which is being experienced as a major betrayal, says Ann-Mart Golfjournes, a board member of the Domestic Workers’ Party.
– There must be effects
Many in the Labor Party call what Winter did a major breach of trust. It is clear that Golfjourns expects repercussions.
– He acted unfaithfully against his own party, he believes.
She thinks It remains to be seen whether there are reasons for Winter to be expelled from the party, of which he has been a member for 45 years.
– It gave us the whole surprise, and it’s disgusting, we can not be like that. According to our results, this should have repercussions for Winter, says Golfjornzes, a colleague of the party.
Conclusion: During Wednesday’s vote, Eric S.
Photo: Anders Buckerut Larson / NRK
County Mayor Alexander Hagen also believes there has been a breach of trust.
– We are disappointed that ours violates a clear law. We were clear we wanted to move forward as a district with Innlandet, says Hagen.
It is up to the county party to take a further stand and discuss whether Erik S. Winther should be expelled from the party.
– It is disgusting to split with party colleagues at the last turn, but the consequences must be decided by the district party and the board there.
Mistake: County Mayor Alexander Hagen says it’s disgusting to break with the party at the last minute.
Photo: Arne Sorens / NRK
- Adh Howe of the Center Party has made it clear that he wants a divorce since a new government was opened for it:
Hisick answer
The 79-year-old has been a member of the Labor Party for 45 years. He has played many roles in his career. Among other things, he was mayor of Ringke for many years. He was also centered on the Winter Olympic facility in Kvitfjell, where some parts of the downhill route were named after him.
He fought for 50 years against DNT cabin Gråhøgdbu in Venabygdsfjellet. It was finally removed in March this year.
In the cold: Eric S. Winter understands that he’s just finished in the cold, and that some people are not happy after yesterday’s play in County Council.
Photo: Arne Sorens / NRK
He says he has endured many storms before:
– Sometimes I end up in trouble until the end, and usually I get it right, says Eric S. Winter.
The response in the Labor Party committee was harsh, but he says he understands it. And there is not only a negative opinion after going against one’s own party.
– I’m a bit better. Last night I sat up for an hour to respond to the good news, he says.
He himself is not afraid of being thrown out of the Labor Party.
– I’ve heard bad things before, of course I don’t care. I take this for granted.
Section? Head back to Headmark and Opland. Citizens will now vote on what they want in a referendum. Politicians have to decide whether to listen to it or not.
Description: Marte Irene Noreng Tren / NRK
Rarely is anyone excluded
Liz is Sellnus Leader of the Domestic Workers’ Party. She was surprised and not so happy to see how Winter voted on the county council.
He says it is rare to exclude members of the Labor Party. But the team will discuss this and come back to what kind of process they need to go through.
Exemption: – Many clearly think he should be expelled now, says Liz Cellnes in the Labor Party.
Photo: Labor Party
– The Central Board of Labor itself approves of such things.
MAngie clearly thinks he should be excluded now, but Ms.Considering Labor’s rare tradition, Selenus thinks this would be a very dramatic reaction.
Lars Nehru Sand describes what happened at the County Council yesterday as dramatic and unexpected.
– He broke party policy and chose to get a majority. Thus he was loyal to his own local team, the Ringbe, instead of following the decision of the local oversight committee.
Nehru Strand believes this will have personal consequences for Winter.
Consequences: Commentator Lars Nehru Strand, Eriks S. Winter knows he wants to divide the larger province of Inland, but believes there could be repercussions against Winter.
Photo: NRK
No date has been set yet for the referendum, which has now been accepted. But the results of the referendum must be on the table at the ministry by March 1.
The political commentator believes it will be difficult to hold a referendum by March 1.
– They will have a very bad time. It will be A completely different discussion about the future of the district. Everyone must decide and face the election. How this affects the dynamics is difficult to predict at present, says Nehru Strand.
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