Peace. Olsen Renewables gets wind power rejection – E24

Peace.  Olsen Renewables gets wind power rejection – E24

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy rejected Farid’s request. Olsen Renewables on delayed deadline to start operations at Gilja الرياح wind farm

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The Ministry thus confirms NVE’s rejection of the wind power plant’s application. The NVE decision has been appealed to the ministry.

This came from a message from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy on Friday.

“The ministry confirmed that an extension request was submitted and granted earlier, and that there are many aspects of the project that remain unresolved. Moreover, the ministry confirmed that Gisdal municipality supports the NVE’s refusal of the application, and that the municipality has rejected the exemption request from the municipal plan. And in In the opinion of the Ministry, there are no chances that the Gilga Wind Farm will receive clarification of the necessary plan in accordance with the Planning and Building Law “, as stated in the message.

The Bonheur Company is unique. Olsen Renewables AS applied for a license for the Gilga wind farm on April 24, 2008.

On June 26, 2013, NVE granted a license to build and operate a wind power plant with a capacity of up to 135 MW. NVE’s decision was confirmed by the Department on September 27, 2016. The original license had an October 1, 2020. In a decision of October 10, 2017, NVE agreed to a new operating deadline of December 31, 2021.

Otherwise, it appears that the wind farm Solvind Prosjekt AS’ Friestad in Hå municipality will not be granted a license change application and a deferred deadline to start operations.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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