Philippines: Plane crash – Army engine C-130 85 crashes – News Abroad

Philippines: Plane crash – Army engine C-130 85 crashes – News Abroad

Kottapado – At least 17 people have been killed in a military machine crash in the southern Philippines on Sunday morning (local time). Defense Minister Delphine Lorenzana announced.

C-130 type aircraft Army chief Cyrilito Sopezana said he had missed the runway when he landed at Pattikul on Jolo Island, with 85 people on board. When I tried to restart, it crashed.

At least 40 prisoners were rescued from the burning rubble. The search for more survivors continues. “We do everything we can to save passengers,” Sopezana insisted.

The machine is said to have been launched at an air base near Manila and then to Jolo via Cagayan de Oro on the island of Mindanao. She was going with the troops.

Plane crashed C-130 (index photo)

The plane involved in the crash was a C-130 (Index photo)Photo: Image Alliance / Narpoto

Many of the soldiers on board had completed their basic training and now had to stop at Jolo. The island is located in the mostly Muslim south of the Philippines, where the military is stationed against the Islamic group Abu Sayyaf.

Abu Sayyaf was founded in the 1990s with the money of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The group became known for kidnapping large numbers of foreigners. In 2017, Islamists beheaded 70-year-old German sailor Jர்கrgen Contner after demands for a $ 600,000 ransom were not met.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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