Power, Acer | Changes in Germany will result in cheaper electricity in Norway

Power, Acer |  Changes in Germany will result in cheaper electricity in Norway

Over the past couple of years, most people have developed a relationship with price caps for electricity. The north and south of Norway have very different prices and are less efficient in terms of electricity infrastructure.

Norway is precisely divided into five different price ranges because of the low transfer efficiency.

At the same time, the largest countries such as Germany, Great Britain, France and Poland have only one large price range.

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But now this may change. Acer has proposed to divide the country into several price ranges.

– If Germany is divided into price zones, it will affect electricity prices in Germany. For example, in a northern German price region we expect prices to be significantly lower during periods of high wind power. This will increase the export of surplus electricity to Norway and other Nordic regions, and contribute to lower electricity prices in the Nordic region, Statnet’s managing director Gunnar Lovas explains to the industry website. Europower.

Same problem in Norway

Germany has the same problem as Norway: very little capacity in the electricity infrastructure, especially between the north and south of the country. At the same time, most of the renewable power generation takes place in the North, while the South consumes most of the electricity.

This creates problems when it comes to pricing. According to Europower, the German company Statnet will have to pay power producers in the north to stop their production.

– For large parts of the year, the system operator pays some producers not to produce, while they pay power producers in other parts of the country to increase their production, Løvås said. As stated earlier.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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