Pride Criticism in Osloskolen – Dagsavisen

Pride Criticism in Osloskolen – Dagsavisen

There should be room for teachers to say about the things they think are challenging in school, just as students and parents have a right to say. The Parents Committee for Basic Education (FUG) believes that it is positive that the school supports the diversity that exists in our community, that the school works for inclusion and that everyone is of equal value regardless of gender, orientation and religion, committee leader Marius Kramer tells Dajsavisen.


The debate about teaching pride in Oslo School began after an Oslo School teacher criticized his teaching plan NRK.

Teacher Anders Noring also reacted to the fact that the Oslo Education Agency invited everyone with connections to the Oslo School to go to the Pride Parade, which is arranged after the start of the school holidays. He believes that parents should receive clearer information about what their children are learning, because he believes that more parents will interact with the content. Dagsavisen has been in contact with Noreng, citing statements he made with NRK.

In cooperation with the house

– When it comes to Noering’s statements and opinions on Pride, there is something he himself must defend. FUG rarely deals with questions about the actual content of the school, but expects parents to be kept informed if the mark interferes with normal educational arrangements. Chramer says: We adhere to the Education Act’s stipulation that education must take place in cooperation and understanding with the Higher Homeland.

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Regarding teacher criticism of the information parents receive, the Director of the Education Agency, Marti Gerhardsen, answers to NRK that parents are well aware that the Oslo School works for values ​​such as tolerance, human dignity and respect for diversity.

– This is part of our message, and here the curricula are very clear. We use pride as part of teaching, she says.

FUG Leader Marius Kramer.  The Parents Committee for Basic Education (FUG) is the national and independent body of the Ministry of Education.


Marius Kramer says he was recently approached by parents who are important because they did not want to teach children about gender diversity in line with what the FRI believes. The Oslo School recently sent an information letter to the staff about teaching pride, which they relate to Teaching programs about gender and sexual diversity Rosa’s business. Rosa’s competence is organized as a professional department of the FRI and is funded by the Directorate of Health, the Directorate for Children, Youth and Families, the Directorate of Education and the Competence Center for Crime Prevention.

They have different tasks adapted to different age levels in elementary school. vs 8-10. The category they write: “Remember that everyone knows better what gender identity you have and that not everyone has a gender identity that corresponds to the gender registered at birth.”

The teaching plan also refers to the definition in Store norske leksikon, the law of changes in legal type:

  • Gender identity is defined in Store norske leksikon as “personal perception of gender or sexuality. The experience is subjective and not necessarily compatible with the anatomy of the external body, or with the perception of what gender or gender it is.”
  • The Gender Amendments Act, issued on June 17, 2016, gives an individual the opportunity to decide which legal gender must appear in the population registry and social security number. From the age of 16, anyone can apply for a legal sex change. From the age of 6 until the age of 16, at least one guardian must apply with the person who wishes to change their legal sex.
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It is clear that Marius Kramer, on behalf of the Parents Committee, believes that it is not fundamentally difficult for a school to teach the subject of pride.

– As long as the school resolves this within the framework of Education Act § 2-4 which states that education must be objective, critical and pluralistic. When it comes to celebrating pride and other celebrations, FUG recommends engaging parents in a dialogue about implementation, he says.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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