Publisher stops book about Anne Franks states – VG

Publisher stops book about Anne Franks states – VG
Murdered: 15-year-old Anne Frank hid for two years in a secret room in Amsterdam, before the family was assigned to the Gestapo in 1944. She died the following year at the Nazi death camp at Bergen-Belsen in Germany.

Dutch publisher Ambo Anthos will not publish new editions of “This Is How I Betrayed Anne Frank”.


Publisher HarperCollins Apologizes book publishingwhich concludes that Anne Frank and her family may have been recruited to the Nazis by Arnold van der Berg.

He was a leading member of the Jewish community in Amsterdam who may have tried to protect his family.

The book was authored by Canadian Rosemary Sullivan and is based on a six-year study by historians and experts, including former FBI investigator Vince Bangkok.

Critics, including the Anne Frank Foundation in Switzerland, claim the book is riddled with errors, and the publisher has now asked Sullivan to take a more critical stance on investigative materials and make changes before printing any new editions of the book, according to BBC.

Home: In this house, Anne Frank lived with her family. They hid here between June 1942 and August 4, 1944.

We offer our sincerest apologies to anyone who might be offended by the book, as stated in an internal email from Ambo Anthos management.

Peter van Tuysek, one of those who investigated the Anne Frank family’s concern, does not understand the criticism. He assures Dutch radio NOS that investigators have never claimed to have uncovered the full and complete truth, but that there is at least an 85% chance that the theory is correct.

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15-year-old Anne Frank and her family hid in a secret room in Amsterdam from 1942 to 1944, when they were broken into and arrested by the Gestapo. She and her sister Margot died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen death camp in February 1945, while her mother was liquidated at Auschwitz.

His father Otto Frank survived the war and published Anne’s post-war memoirs, which have since been translated into 70 languages.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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