Putin, Ukraine | Russia’s pride has been abolished: – The greatest threat

Putin, Ukraine |  Russia’s pride has been abolished: – The greatest threat

May 9 every year is the Russians’ great celebration of victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. The parade will also take place this year, and Vladimir Putin is expected to give a speech, as usual.

One of the coolest features of the show is what roughly translates to “The Immortal Brigade.” Several Russian newspapers reported that there would be nothing of the kind this year.

– I expect the reason to be quite clear. A drone attack on such an event would be very stupid. At the same time, it would also be stupid for Ukraine, because it would look as if they were shooting at civilians, Tor Bukvoll, senior researcher at the Norwegian Defense Research Institute, tells Netavisen.

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threat to Moscow

On Wednesday afternoon, Norwegian time, Russian authorities claimed that two Ukrainian drones were stopped before they reached the Kremlin in Moscow. There have been many who claim the attack is fake. However, Ukrainian drone strikes against Russia have been confirmed on previous occasions.

– Perhaps the biggest threat is from Ukrainian businesses, but also from groups within Russia. There are those who are willing to use violence to demonstrate against the war inside Russia, says Bokvall.

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Under the “Brigade of the Immortals,” relatives of Russians who died in World War II often carry portraits of their deceased ancestors or relatives. On social media, there is speculation as to whether the Russian authorities fear the memory will be hijacked by the families of soldiers killed in Ukraine.

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– It’s a possibility, but then you can imagine the authorities would deploy enough police to stop it. The senior researcher says they have had a pretty good grip on the anti-war demonstrations so far.

Heroes of World War II

The concept started in 2012 in Siberia as a non-public event, but later grew into a state-initiated event.

– The older you get, the more important it is, because many people lost someone during the Second World War. For the little ones, it is perhaps somewhat less important. The Russian regime came up with this Nazi rhetoric as a kind of pretext to go to war, Buckfull says, and adds:

– In this sense, these marches are perhaps more important than they have been in a long time. After all, they want to create a picture of this war, similar to that of 80 years ago.

– Isn’t it surprising that they cancel?

– No, it is an emergency even if it is not declared. The country is at war, and at war you cannot do the same as in peacetime. For Putin, it is very important that people continue to have the impression that he is in control, he replies.

Ukraine defended

It doesn’t always seem like the Kiev regime isn’t in complete control, Bokvall points out. It highlights the episode from April when Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarskij was killed in an explosion in a café in Saint Petersburg.

– Do you think that Ukraine could consider attacking these rallies?

– no I do not think so. They have nothing to gain from, and World War II may still mean a lot to many Ukrainians, too, says Bukfull.

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Ukraine has always denied that it tried to attack the Kremlin with drones.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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