Reader’s message Maynare | This will be done with the new municipal building in Kleib

Reader’s message Maynare |  This will be done with the new municipal building in Kleib

Reader’s message This is an entry for the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the opinions of the author.

During the campaign ahead of the municipal elections in Kleib, several parties expressed doubts about whether the planned and approved new municipal hall and church should be built as planned.

Mostly one can wonder if those who were involved in these political processes and decisions from 2021 and 2022 have forgotten what the project was about.

It may be confusing to some, so I would like to remind you briefly of what the municipal construction project will mean for the municipality and its residents:

  • First of all, our youth will get much better offers. The pivotal youth club and the cultural school will have more flexible and suitable venues for their activities, and they can expand the offers they have today. There is a practice room for bands, a room for musical interaction and its own ballroom. There is also space for games (which can be, for example, computer games, billiards or board games).
  • Youth work in the church is also getting good places, with the noise of the church itself raising NOK 8 million for furniture and equipment. The buildings are designed so that they can be used flexibly in all areas and in cooperation. There is also a place for young people to meet through activities, with a common outdoor area/entrance area and indoor lobby.
  • The new municipal building will also contain space for a volunteer center. This contains active work to involve young people in voluntary assignments, organizing small jobs for them, but also has, among other things, significant activity in relation to refugee/integration work, activity or support for older people, or for people with disabilities. .
  • Young and old alike will have access to a bigger and better library, which has its own space for communication, as it should be in a modern library. There may be children’s performances, writers’ meetings, or discussions on current cultural topics.
  • With the new Town Hall, Clip gets new and bigger premises for concerts, performances and big events, to the delight of young and old alike. Both the main hall and the chapel hall can be used for different purposes and between these halls there is a gathering area, a communal toilet and a voluntary kitchen where you can prepare meals in connection with events.
  • Finally, of course, it must be taken into account that the working conditions of the staff in the old town hall are difficult, the ventilation and heating are not working satisfactorily, and water is leaking in many places. And here, improvement of our staff is needed.
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Klepp Høgre was involved in the political process that led to plans for a new municipal building and church. We appreciate the work done by the administration in this regard, and we stand behind the decisions taken by the Municipal Council.

The project will notably improve the recreational offer for children and young people in Kleib, but will also serve as a support for adults and seniors in the municipality, as well as municipal employees. The project proposes that people be able to meet across activities, interests, age and outlook on life. This is how we build community, tolerance and understanding for each other.

Now is the time to realize that, as the construction industry needs new tasks. We are eagerly awaiting who will bid in the tender that has now been launched.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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