Rein Alexander in Leselyst – Forced to settle down

Rein Alexander in Leselyst – Forced to settle down

What are you reading now?

– I’m reading “Swimming with Drowning” by Lars Mietting. Turns on the flashlight function on the phone, supports it against the chin as a reading lamp. We have two young children, and I don’t have the heart to keep the tax map (dear Mary) awake. Having found deep reading pleasure in ‘Søsterklokkene’ and ‘Hekneveven’, I had to get more out of the language and style of Mytting. In one chapter of Søsterklokkene I stop someone in the street and tell them how good they are at writing. Stories are one thing but the way and the way is great fun.

Which book made an indelible impression on you?

Feelings and images in everything I read with me in everyday life. In addition, I am very inspiring. When I read “Field Harvest,” I bought an abandoned farmhouse on which my family grew up. After “The Alchemist” I finished the Royal Academy in London, listened to the universe and sketched a pattern on a boat and worked in the Barents Sea, before I flew with the wind and ended up studying in Italy. Maybe it’s a good thing I haven’t read anymore. I read it for the first time, of my own volition, when I was 26, so I was late at first. Well, yes, then I read very slowly, or rather – sentences and preferably whole paragraphs – again and again, to absorb what I’m reading.

Which author should write the book about you?

– Thomas Enger, who wrote the books on Henning Juul, and now collaborates with Jørn Lier Horst. Inger is a journalist, crime writer, musician and composer. And he’s so good to talk to him when we play golf, even if he beats me.

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In which book did you smuggle it?

– You wouldn’t know that.

What self-help book have you read in the past?

I have read a lot of Dale Carnegie, and I should have absorbed more of his wisdom. Nabi Khalil Gibran is good. I listen to HeadSpace a lot and kind of meditate, I have a lot of faith in meditation, and we can solidify and become better versions of ourselves.

Which new character can’t you stand up to?

– I’ve read a lot of Nesbø, but I’m done now. Sorry Harry!

…and what new character are you sleeping with?

– Therefore, I am very interested in books. I may have loved Victoria as much as I loved Hamson himself, but when I realized that Moonbeam in Silver Arrow would never be mine, I had to come to terms with myself and stop falling in love with the fictional characters. But as Reiss-Anderssen roughly wrote: “Never forget her, (…) for she alone loves in whom she loves.”

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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