Rødt’s team leader in Oslo calls Jens Stoltenberg a war criminal

Rødt’s team leader in Oslo calls Jens Stoltenberg a war criminal
Rødt’s team leader in Oslo calls Jens Stoltenberg a war criminal
Siavash Mobasheri (r) of Oslo Road did not mince words in his characterization of Jens Stoltenberg. Here with party colleague Sofia Rana during Rod’s national meeting in Stavanger.

Jens Stoltenberg was hanged as a war criminal at Rødt’s national assembly on Saturday. This creates strong reactions from the Labor Party

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– As war criminal Jens Stoltenberg said, weapons are not the way to peace. It is a utopia to think that more weapons will bring peace. Siavash Mobasheri, group leader at Rødt in Oslo, said during a discussion on arms support to Ukraine at Rødt’s national meeting on Saturday.

The statement did not go down well with Raymond Johansson, a city councilor in Oslo.

– It does not create a good environment for cooperation and negotiations. But helps create more distance. Municipal politics is not foreign policy, but here Rødt shows himself as a side that is very demanding to cooperate, Johansen told NTB in writing through his secretary.

Should be good

to do Pinposton Johansen says he expects management on the road to condemn such statements. That is unlikely to happen. Rødt chairman Bjørnar Moxnes says the allegation against Stoltenberg is internal.

– Red was against the illegal war in Libya, in violation of international law, and 15 Norwegian F-16s dropped a total of 588 bombs on Libya. Jens Stoltenberg was the main reason for this. It must be nice to point it out, Moxnes tells Optenposten.

Far from reality

Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt responded strongly.

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– The political judgment in the Red Party is far from real. Moxnes voted against Sweden and Finland being allowed to join NATO after democratic decisions to apply for membership. He sent an SMS to Aftenposten saying that we will help Ukraine to protect Ukrainians from the Putin regime’s rockets.

In January, there was also a heated exchange between Mobasheri and Johansson. At the time, the city council leader told Klaskampen that outbursts about Ukraine from Mobasheri had reduced the incentive to cooperate more closely with Rote in Oslo, and that the party was practically running on Putin’s mistakes by refusing to send arms to the country.


Oslo Frp’s first candidate Lars Petter Solås Rødt responded with disbelief to the statements of the Oslo representatives.

– Red Oslo shows its true anti-democratic face when it tells a national assembly that it will leave Ukraine helpless against Russia’s brutal war of aggression.

He believes Rod’s team leader is getting the Norwegian record for dual communication.

– Days after deciding that Oslo supports their struggle for freedom and democracy, he says Ukrainians should be left to their own devices.

Solas refers to Rødt’s city council committee in Oslo, which voted for a statement expressing support for Ukraine’s struggle against the Russians:

“The Municipality of Oslo expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their heroic struggle for freedom and democracy against Russia’s brutal invasion.”

The report was adopted with 58 votes out of 59. Independent Rep. Danny Chowdhury was the only abstention. He says Oslo newspaper He didn’t think Russia’s invasion was cruel.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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