Sandra from Married at First Sight has a boyfriend

Sandra from Married at First Sight has a boyfriend

Through this year's season of Married at First Sight, viewers were introduced to Sandra Instepo (31) and Trond Weisseth (35).

Despite numerous attempts, they were unable to make the relationship work, so they chose to withdraw before the experiment ended.

Withdraws: - No more bidding

Withdraws: – No more bidding

Now Sandra reveals she has found happiness again.

The 31-year-old is currently in Greece, and it was seen on Instagram that she was traveling with a mystery man.

Mysterious: Sandra shared a number of vacation photos with this guy.  Image: Instagram screenshot

Mysterious: Sandra shared a number of vacation photos with this guy. Image: Instagram screenshot
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She confirmed to Se og Hør that the man was her new boyfriend.

– It's hard not to stumble a little

Sandra's chosen girl is 28-year-old Evin, and the couple met in the city just before Christmas.

Because of “Married at First Sight” they chose to proceed quietly, and became lovers on the same National Day.

There's a lot to celebrate: Sandra and Evan became lovers on May 17.  Photo: private

There's a lot to celebrate: Sandra and Evan became lovers on May 17. Image: private
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Sandra tells Se og Hør about it this time actual It was love at first sight.

-There must have been something in the way he looked at me. He walked right up to me where I was sitting, introduced himself, and that was that. He also has very beautiful eyes, and he is very handsome. So it was very difficult not to stumble a little.

unexpected: It's once again party time in Married at First Sight, where the couple must decide whether to continue the experiment or not, and one of the participants is very surprised by his decision. Video: Red Runner / Discovery+
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It had to come with a revelation

When the couple met, it was not known that Sandra would take part in the film “Married at First Sight”, which had been recorded six months earlier.

So the 31-year-old had to sit down with his new flirt and talk about what will soon be on TV.

Married on TV: Sandra says she doesn't want to watch episodes with her new boyfriend.  Image: Warner Bros.  Discovery

Married on TV: Sandra says she doesn't want to watch episodes with her new boyfriend. Image: Warner Bros. Discovery
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– He took it amazingly well, and when it was broadcast on TV, we talked together after the episodes and he always thought I made a good impression. “I was a little afraid that I might scare off the guys by being a little too persistent,” Sandra says with a laugh.

- Sadness and sadness

– Sadness and sadness

Although the couple was able to have an open discussion about the reality show, there was one thing Sandra refused to do: watch an episode with Evin.

– It was very strange to see me “married to someone”, while I was dating someone else. This was not a situation I imagined myself in, to be completely honest.

married: Johannes Klemp and Victoria Schramm got married on television in Married at First Sight. This is their relationship today. Video: Rod Loper, “Married at First Sight”/discovery+
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take it easy

Now that Married at First Sight season is over, the couple doesn't have to hide anymore.

Sandra tells Se og Hør that they are not in a rush to do anything, and are having a good time in each other's company.

Girlfriend Trip: Even and Sandra enjoy each other's company in Greece.  Photo: private

Girlfriend Trip: Even and Sandra enjoy each other's company in Greece. Photo: private
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-We take each day as it comes. But above all, we will enjoy the time on our first vacation together in Greece.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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