Avinor says many departures at Oslo Airport have been delayed due to the cold and snowy weather.
The Oslo Airport website shows that at least seven departures have been rescheduled.
– No big problems, but there are winter and icing rows of planes. Seems to be a little relaxed. No big problems, but it’s a winter activity, says communications manager Katherine Fromholt.
There is good efficiency, but he says the queue delays lead to the removal of ice before the planes run.
Fromholt encourages passengers to meet at the airport at regular intervals.
Many trucks block the E6
– Janette Andresen, transport operator at Vegtrafiksentralen, says some trucks are parked on the road network, including two on E6 on the exit from Oslo.
At about 10 o’clock a lorry departed at his own expense.
Also on the E6 in Trosterud, on the way to Garderomen, a truck is parked.
– Andrewson says there should be proper tires and chains to protect traction now that there is so much snow.
Lost driving license
Police in the East say a man has had his driver’s license revoked for driving without sufficient visibility.
The person in question was stopped in Moss after a complaint from the public about “driving too shaky”.
The photo, attached by police in a Twitter message, shows the man not clearing the snow from the window glass.
Tuesday morning snow is heavy throughout eastern Norway. Police in the East reported a trailer, struggled to get up in Fredrikstadbrua on Fredrikstad in the morning, and a man in Sandefjord drove into a ditch.
Before the bulldozers reach Fakerborg in central Oslo.
Photo: Julia Thomsen / NRK
Vegtrafiksentralen st covers the districts of Oslo, Viken and Innlandet. They encourage people in the area to drive carefully.
– It’s still snowing, all emergency services are not working, but today it’s snowing again behind bulldozers, says transport operator Mette Brunæs at Vegtrafikksentralen Øst when NRK speaks to her at 07.20.
– It pays to calculate extra time
He explains that in some places there may be snow-covered roads, and in Norway he encourages travelers to go out and count the good times while driving.
– Calculating a little extra time today, adjusting the speed according to the conditions and staying away from the car in front is beneficial, says Brunes.
In some parts of eastern Norway, roads are slippery and snow does not fall until morning, according to Brunei. Thus, bulldozers driving throughout the night will continue throughout the day.
Yellow hazard warning for Longfella.
Photo: yr.no
Brunes says there have been no major incidents or road closures. Among other things, an incident occurred on National Highway 159 Karihavuken near Oslo, but the road has been reopened.
In varsom.no it warns of danger Severe blizzard with yellow levels in Longfella today. There is no danger warning from snow or ice on the road.
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