Sør-Varanger, Øst-finnmark | Now the epidemic is on the rise: – The municipality is increasing the number to unprecedented heights

Sør-Varanger, Øst-finnmark |  Now the epidemic is on the rise: – The municipality is increasing the number to unprecedented heights

In a statement, the Sør-Varanger municipality reported increased infectious pressure as a result of the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

– It is expected in connection with what has been seen elsewhere in the country. Now we have a vacation behind us, where many have gone out. Because of this we expect an increase in infections locally, says Per Christian Ludwigson, office manager for the Sør-Varanger municipality.

Omigran variation and increased travel and tourism activities are cited as reasons for the increase in infectious pressure, the statement said.

Omigron case detected

Earlier today, the municipality announced on Twitter that eight new cases had been registered in the last 24 hours, while several cases had been removed.

– Many new cases are close contacts that were already in isolation. The number of isolated people is currently 17, the report said.

In the new lawsuit, Ludwigson says a lawsuit has been filed against Omigron.

– Until now, there was a case of Omigran, where we know it did not spread further. One person tested positive after a trip abroad and recovered. We received confirmation of Omigran after the person had recovered. Today we consider all positives to be omigran, says Ludwigson.

Not hospitalized

No one in the municipality has been admitted to hospital as a result of a serious illness related to Govt-19, the statement added.

The municipality encourages people to adhere to current infection control measures by wearing a mask and adhering to distance.

A positive home test is checked by a PCR test at a test station, the office manager further explains.

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– People first test themselves by home inspection. If a positive result occurs, a PCR test should be performed at a test station to verify the result. There are cases of home trials that are false positive, but these are personal cases, not a trend, Ludwigson continues.

There is no infection in schools

The office manager added that all school-age children were screened before the start of the New Year.

– Currently, there is no infection. We tested all students in elementary and middle schools before they started again. It has happened as planned and says it worked.

Associated with national activities

Ludwigson says there are no plans to sharpen measures or introduce local measures as a result of the increase in infection.

– For now, the measures will not be tightened. We comply with the measures in force and will receive a new assessment on January 15 on whether the measures should be sharpened, complied with or softened. We relate to what is provided by the government, says Ludwigson.

He called again in the press release to follow the orders given.

– People are generally good. The same thing still applies: you should stay home and check for respiratory infections, wear a mask and keep a meter as long as possible, he says at the end.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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