Speedboat, Nordland County Municipality | The world’s greenest speedboat will be developed

Speedboat, Nordland County Municipality |  The world’s greenest speedboat will be developed

The NOK 9.7 million allocation is significant funding for the speedboat project in the future, in addition to the NOK 55.9 million that were earmarked for the project in 2020. Nordland County Councilor Thomas Norfull, Mayor of Vestland County, Sir John Askeland, Trondelag Mayor Tore Sandvik , and the county counselor for transportation in Troms and Finnmark, Agnett Masternes Hansen, continues the pressure.

During the first stage, they were able to create exciting concepts that will now go into a comprehensive test. With that extra money, we can take four concepts even further. We don’t have time to waste. If we can make the first full-scale powerboat that is one hundred percent zero emissions, we’d have a big boost in going green. But not least, it will mean that Norwegian technology will create jobs and a global export opportunity – and will also accelerate the green transformation of the sea globally, says Nordland County Council President Thomas Norfoll in a press release.

new era

Norvoll emphasizes that Norwegian maritime competence and strong innovation environments can simply provide a new era in the Norwegian shipping industry.

– and although the concept is called the speedboat of the future, this is happening here and now. Designs and models tested. Now this will be scaled up to full size and built in. This is why it is urgent. Through the project, we were able to design many very interesting models, says Norfall.

– With additional customization we will be able to take four of these concepts to the drawing board and complete building. There is very good administrative work among the four county municipalities behind the Future Speedboats.

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Coastal Provinces United

The county municipalities operate most of the high-speed boat traffic along the Norwegian coast. So John Askeland, Westland County Municipal District Mayor, believes it is critical that the county municipalities run the project, and take the next step when the boats go into large-scale production.

In its programme, the government aims to introduce zero emissions also to speedboats. At about the end of a year, Askeland says, he will begin building new ships based on completely new technology.

Four projects await us

The original budget only had room to accommodate three other suppliers in the project. With the new new Klimasats boxes, four out of six suppliers can continue to compete in the energy-efficient design.

– This ensures greater contrast when we move on to the next project phase. The goal of the competition is to develop powerboats that consume 30 percent less energy than existing speed boats, Trondelag County Mayor Tore Sandvik points out.

work recognition

The county councilor for transport in Troms and Finnmark county municipality, Agnete Masternes Hanssen, believes the new money now allocated is an acknowledgment of the work the four county municipalities are doing together.

– It’s an acknowledgment of the good work the county municipalities have done in the fight to reduce marine greenhouse gas emissions, says county council member Hansen.

global elevator

County Council Chairman Norfalle points out that newly designed, zero-emission speed boats will operate safely and securely along a coastline subject to severe weather.

This work is pioneering and will contribute significantly to the national climate budget. We are pleased that the National Policy Instruments on Climate Measures see the benefit of this work. As I said, this could lead to a new industrial adventure that would also make a global contribution to the important climate battle, concludes Nordland County Council Chairman Thomas Norfall.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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