Stockings on the Noldus Monument could threaten local wildlife – NRK . Culture & Entertainment

Stockings on the Noldus Monument could threaten local wildlife – NRK . Culture & Entertainment

Freshwater West National Park in Wales is filled with rich flora and fauna. Among other things, seabirds, lizards, porpoises, and many other land-dwelling birds live here.

Along the shores of this park, one of the saddest scenes of the Harry Potter films was filmed. In “Deathly Hallows – Part 1”, the house of the Elf Noldus ends its days.

He died while lying in Harry Potter’s lap, telling that shore:

“Nice place with friends”.

A scene so well-acclaimed that the author himself later regretted his death.

JK Rowling on Twitter apologizes for killing Noldus character

Screenshot from Twitter. Taken on November 4 at 11:00 am.

Now a memorial to Noldos could harm the landscape and the environment, NBC and several other media outlets report.

A crowd favorite

Since the movie’s premiere, West Beach has been a popular destination for fans of movies and books.

What started with tombstones and memorial plaques, over the years, has grown into colorful ornaments and stones and now hundreds of socks.

For those who aren’t a fan of Harry Potter, the elves in the house are actually slaves. The only thing that could set them free was if they got a piece of clothing.

Screenshot from: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002).  Warner Bros. Corporation

Noldus character from the world of Harry Potter.

A famous scene in the second movie showed how Noldus was freed from his evil master, Lucius Malvang, by Harry Potter sneaking a sock into a diary. A diary is then given to Noldus, leading to the quote:

“The master gave Noldus a sock… a free Noldus.”

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The locals decide

Freshwater West Beach in Wales.

Freshwater Beach West in Wales. Here to mark the centenary of the First World War.

Photo: Rebecca Nadine/Reuters

Already in May of this year, a proposal was made to move the monument.

The National Trust Wales, the authority responsible for the national park, has created a survey about the move. The locals had to vote on the proposal.

“In recent years, we have seen a growing interest in everything Freshwater West has to offer. We want visitors to enjoy a pleasant and safe experience, while ensuring that the environment is taken care of for future generations at the same time.”

More than 5,000 people voted.

– Please, don’t leave socks behind!

Photo: Victoria MacLean/SWNS/SWNS

Now the result is clear: the monument will remain.

In a press release issued last week from the authorities, the message was clear:

“The fund asks visitors to take pictures only to protect the broader landscape.”

They also added that stockings, ornaments, and paint chips from ground gravel can mix with the marine environment and the food chain.

Something that could endanger wildlife.

sea ​​birds in france

Illustration of sea birds.

Photo: Fred Tanno/AFP

Fans cheer

There was a lot of excitement associated with the result. Both on Twitter and on the Harry Potter forums, the case created a lot of controversy and headlines.

For many, this was a crisis, and for others the action was far more important than a non-existent figure.

One fan suggested donating socks and clothing to help organizations instead, in the name of Noldos.

The time will tell if the call has been answered or not. At least the reactions are starting to emerge.

Reactions to the Noldo Memorial from Twitter

Screenshot from Twitter. Taken on November 4 at 11:00 am.

In any case, it is a good idea to leave your socks at home when visiting the memorial.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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