Strikes against criticism by private jet: – There is no other way

Strikes against criticism by private jet: – There is no other way

– I think it’s very important that Greenpeace take this up for the sake of the environment. Astrid and I are concerned about this. After all, it is about our livelihood. But we’re also interested in making arrangements for our athletes so they can go about their craft, says Team Aker Dæhlie manager Knut Nystad.

In the wake of the feat to Owerslind on the 15-kilometre course, much has been said about the imminent flight by private jet.

– It’s a bad thing and a great irony that white-winter athletes use appearance means quite the opposite, Greenpeace captain Frode Pleym told TV2 about the trip that will take the Oppdal runner to Sweden on Sunday.

Not impressed: Freud Bleem.  Photo: Jonas Tem Henriksen/TV 2

Not impressed: Freud Bleem. Photo: Jonas Tem Henriksen/TV 2

– he didn’t say

According to plan, the medalist will run a three-mile race on Saturday in Planica, before running the Vasaloppet in Sweden on Sunday.

There is less than 24 hours between runs.

You’ll fly there on a private jet, something Address newspaper first mentioned.

After winning gold in Thursday’s relay, Air Slend responded for the first time to the criticism of the private jet it received from Greenpeace.

Medal winners: Astrid Øyre Slind finished third and took home the bronze medal in the women's 15 km ski relay.  In Thursday's relay, she was part of the gold team. Photo: Jonas Behn Henriksen/TV2

Medal winners: Astrid Øyre Slind finished third and took home the bronze medal in the women’s 15 km ski relay. In Thursday’s relay, she was part of the gold team. Photo: Jonas Behn Henriksen/TV2

– I think there will be a helicopter with a group of sponsors, and I will have to sit down. I am so grateful and happy for this opportunity, because only once in my life have I had a double experience like this. I don’t know if there’s much difference between that, or taking a flight to Gardemoen with a layover and then to Værnes and driving a long way, than actually sitting on that plane. It doesn’t work any other way, says the gold winner, on the Norwegian relay team, quite simply to TV 2.

Knut Nystad told the regional newspaper that Ower Slend will be flown to the legendary long-distance race in “one of Killing Rocky’s private jets” with several partners.

Nystad tells TV 2 that it is not about Røkke sits private plane.

He believes the newspaper misquoted him.

– I didn’t say it was Roque’s private jet. There will be speculation.

Bergle, sporting director at Adresseavisen, denies they misquoted the 52-year-old.

We did not misquote Knut Nystad. Bergley says it’s a true quote and nothing we made up.

On Monday, there was a change in flight plans, as the aircraft in question would enter service. Now the Aker Dæhlie team has leased another aircraft – with financial help from partners.

TV 2 was in contact with Aker, who stated that the aforementioned aircraft on which the Øyre Slind was originally to be flown belonged to Kjell Inge Røkke’s TRG company.

Aker has a wholly owned subsidiary, Falcon 8X. This aircraft is mainly used by Kjell Inge Røkke and CEO Øyvind Eriksen, the company said.


Nystad also responds to descriptions of it as a luxury jet.

– Aker is our sponsor – they pay and have a chance to get rid of a plane. It’s a six-seat helicopter that Akker is getting rid of. Not far from a luxury jet, as many people have described it, says Nystad.

Luxury jet or not: Pleym in Greenpeace believes other solutions should be sought.

– Neither royalty like Røkke nor skating stars like Astrid Øyre Slind have to take private jets. The fact that it is accompanied by someone on the plane in no way makes it an eco-friendly way to travel. Both private helicopters and jet planes pollute more than the alternatives.

Nystad, who was head of lubrication for the Norwegian national cross-country team from 2006 to 2018, details the private-fly option.

– We checked all flights of Slovenia, Austria, Italy and Germany. We even considered driving to Vienna, Berlin, and Frankfurt, among others, but no scheduled flights arrive in time. There is no other choice but to fly.

– You have to take some hard turns

Øyre Slind isn’t the only athlete using the much-discussed means of promotion. Recently, Lukas Prathen was captured by the Alpine ace private plane To get to slalom practice at the WC in France.

Erling Braut Haaland previously invested in his private jet.

We obviously have a dilemma here. We think about the environment every day. But you have to make some tough choices. Should we crush the dreams of one of Norway’s top female cross-country skiers, or make it easier for a female skier’s dream? We considered the latter option to be more important as we can also facilitate an unforgettable experience for our partners. We respect everyone’s opinions. We know the vast majority of people disagree, but we have to live with that, says Nystad.

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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