Summer cottage Jamina Hegdahl | The Sumerhita couple does not hide anything: – They try to calm down these insults

Summer cottage Jamina Hegdahl |  The Sumerhita couple does not hide anything: – They try to calm down these insults

The most beautiful building program of the spring “Sommerhytta” is currently showing on TV, where the people of Norway join the journey as four couples build and decorate the cabins of their dreams.

Recording for the show began about a year ago, with the eight participants having their first encounter with television cameras and production.

The participants were not previously well-known TV faces, so having to think that everything you do and say will be shown on TV a year later can naturally be a challenge. So couple Stine Gabrielsen and Jamina Hegdahl tried to take some action while recording.

– It seems we are those banners

Nettavisen met Gabrielsen and Heggdahl shortly after they started recording last spring, and at the time the pair could say it was interesting and fascinating, but also the challenge of getting a TV production “ongoing.”

-It's a bit unusual. But perhaps the most demanding is when we have to interrupt what we are doing for an interview, for example. “There's a part of 'Sommerhytta' that we weren't quite prepared for, everything that happens behind the camera,” Heggdahl said.

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When asked what it would be like the day “Sommerhytta” was broadcast on television, the couple said they had difficulty imagining that “the whole of Norway” would get an insight into their lives.

-I feel like it's unreal and it's a slightly different world. I think it will be what it will be. It's very unlikely to think that “one fine day” everyone will be able to see what we've done, Gabrielsen said.

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Hegdal was also very aware that you can see the true side of them, even if they try to remember one thing.

– In other words, we swear to ourselves, and we do not cover anything, even if we are on TV. “We probably can't quite imagine that he'll be on screen, but we're trying to calm down a little bit from that swearing,” she said with a laugh.

“Now it looks like we're bunting, but it's a good example,” she continued with a good laugh.

-Maybe we'll fall in love again

And so these days Gabrielsen and Heggdahl are fighting on television to win their summer home in the idyllic area of ​​Kongsvik, near Strömstad in Sweden.

The couple was looking for a new challenge in their daily life, so “Sommerhytta” was an excellent adventure. Hegdal also has a special goal for his engagement: to become less dependent on his wife when it comes to practical matters at home.

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She also hopes that they both feel more connected to each other and have a new crush:

-I think that us participating in this adventure and doing this together will be good for us. Maybe we'll fall in love again for a little bit. “I feel it a little bit already,” Hegdal said on the TV 2 programme.

When Netavisen met the “Sommerhytta” participants during a taping last summer, the TV adventure seemed to start well for the couple, and they were surprised by their collaboration.

– We usually don't always cooperate well, at least not on practical matters. We prefer to do things separately, preferably in different rooms. But here we were suddenly in a bubble together, and we were really surprised that we were working so well together. So far, Hegdahl told Netavisen followed by laughter.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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