That’s why Elon Musk buys Twitter – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

That’s why Elon Musk buys Twitter – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Musk wrote that some people use their hair to express themselves, and I use Twitter Own a Twitter channel in 2019.

Musk has previously stated, on several occasions, his love for the platform, and that he wants Twitter to realize its “extraordinary potential.” Musk himself has amassed over 85 million followers on Twitter over his nearly 13 years on the platform.

“Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital cityscape where the future of humanity is discussed,” Musk said. press releases who announced the acquisition.

Then he bought the entire company for just over 400 billion NOK.

Musk has previously stated that the Twitter acquisition is not about money.

I have a strong feeling that a public platform, which is maximally reliable and extensively comprehensive, is critical to the future of civilization. “I don’t care about finances at all,” Musk said during a TED conference in Vancouver earlier in April.

“It is very important to me that people know and imagine that they are able to speak freely within the limits of the law,” he said at the time.

Elon Musk (right) with TED's Chris Anderson earlier in April.

Elon Musk (right) with Chris Anderson from the TED conference earlier in April.

Photo: Gilberto Tade/AFP

After the acquisition was completed, he reiterated his desire for complete freedom of expression on Twitter.

– I hope he will remain even my worst critic on Twitter, because that is what freedom of expression means, he wrote on his personal account on Monday evening.

leaving the platform

In his acquisition announcement, Musk announced his desire to make Twitter “better than ever” by introducing new features, removing spam bots, and requiring all users to be authenticated. He also spoke on several occasions about the introduction of an edit button.

Several people have announced since the acquisition on Monday that they will be leaving the platform. The famous actress, Jamila Jamil, from the series “The Good Place” announced In your profile It is leaving Twitter, as it believes the acquisition will help the platform “reach its final form of complete outlaw hate”.

This acquisition is creating reactions in Norway as well. Edel Marie Hochland, a youth leader of the Christian People’s Party, says she now wants to delete her user — due to the Musk acquisition.

– I don’t trust him, she tells NRK.

Adele Marie Hochland leaves Twitter after Elon Musk takes over.

Adele Marie Hochland leaves Twitter after Elon Musk takes over.

Photo: Tobias Kvalvik Henriksen / NRK

In the big, big picture, there’s only one person I don’t want to give my personal data to, she adds.

Possession is worrying

In recent years, Twitter has taken significant action against spam and abuse of the platform. Among other things, they have added labels indicating that Twitter messages are fake or misleading.

Many fear that Musk will allow disinformation, misinformation, abuse and hate speech on Twitter.

– Regardless of ownership, all social media must be accountable, and that means protecting users from harm, says British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman, according to the NTB.

The EU also states that Twitter must be held responsible for the content posted.

– Whether it’s cars or social media, companies operating in Europe must follow our rules – no matter how much they own in the company. Musk knows this all too well. EU Commissioner Thierry Breton wrote that he is well acquainted with European rules for the car industry, and will quickly adapt to European regulations. Twitter.

Thierry Breton offers a friendly reminder of the European rules for Twitter buyer Elon Musk.

Thierry Breton offers a friendly reminder of the European rules for Twitter buyer Elon Musk.

Photo: John Theis/AFP

Musk responds to criticism

Media expert Ida Allen has published three books on social media. Don’t think Twitter users will experience any difference for a while.

It will probably take a long time to make some major changes in practice, Allen tells NRK.

I’ve followed the acquisition debate closely.

The big question is whether the acquisition is about his vision of free speech, or whether he bought Twitter because he wanted to influence.

Ida Aalen believes it will take some time before the public experiences the changes on Twitter.

Ida Aalen believes it will take some time before the public experiences the changes on Twitter.

Photo: Patrick da Silva Sather/NRK

Musk knows very well that his Twitter activity severely affects the value of Tesla, which also drives his fortune. That’s why many also speculated that he’s buying Twitter because he relies on Twitter indirectly, she says.

Musk himself responded to the reactions on Tuesday evening, Norwegian time.

The extreme reaction from those who fear free speech says it all, Musk wrote on his Twitter account.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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