He was one of the twelve Brann players who played a nachspielet at Brann Stadium on Tuesday night last week.
Brann players entered Brann Stadium and Attached without club approval.
His attorney now announces that Barmen will no longer play for SK Brann.
– Surprised
“We were very surprised by SK Brann’s decision, based on the information we have and taking into account the basis given in the chapter,” attorney Eric Monsen wrote in a press release.
TV 2 I reported the news of Barmen first.
Done: Barmen will not play SK Brann in the future.
Photo: Marit Humidal / Marit Humidal
Barmen actually had a contract with the club until 2025.
The dismissal came as a surprise to Christopher Barmen. The lawyer told NRK that of course it is a huge burden, he has been at the club since he was 10 years old.
Several violations
The club states that Parmen was fired after management investigated the case and discovered breaches of guidelines, general standards, infection control rules and “reasonable expectations” for staff.
The players appeared on alcohol, used the Brann Stadion as an arena for the nachspiel and brought with them seven guests, and polls to the club show.
– So we chose to resign from one of our players and gave ten other players serious written warnings, says General Manager Vibeki Johanssen at Sportsklubben Brann.
Ten other nachspielet players at SK Brann also received a written warning from management.
– It is a very sad state of the players who participated and SportsClubin Bran. The affair was a huge reputational burden both internally and externally for everyone who was happy in Bran. This came at the worst possible time when we are at the bottom of the table. We must have very different things to think about to avoid relegation to a difficult season,” SK Brann chairman Berger Grifstad said at a press conference on Friday.
He says it’s sad to see one of the club’s most experienced and confident players fired.
Andersen resigns
In a press release, SK Brann also announced that goalkeeper Mikkel Andersen has himself chosen to terminate his contract with Brann as a result of the situation.
One reason is said to be the experiences he and his family had after the scandal.
Among other things, Andersen is said to have stayed sought at home address She took care of the children’s safety.
After the nachspiel scandal, it also became known that the police launched an investigation into a possible assault. One of the women involved in the case was offended.
Christopher Barmen and Mikkel Andersen are not under investigation in this matter.
Gives: Mikel Andersen does not want to be a part of SK Brann due to the situation the family is in after the nachspiel scandal.
Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / NRK
– unfair
Barmen is not happy about kicking.
“Allegations have been made that Christopher Parmen does not identify himself, and Parmen clearly feels unfairly treated, which is reinforced by the fact that he was almost chosen to take sole responsibility for the relevant nachspiel,” attorney Monsen wrote in the press release.
Christopher Barmen sees unreasonable discrimination and disagrees with the club’s decision, according to the attorney.
After the scandal, various rumors and allegations surfaced on social media about what happened in the sequel.
NASHSPILL: Several young women outside of the Brann group played the Nashville game at Brann Stadium on Tuesday night last week. The administration described the incident as a serious breach of trust.
Photo: Marit Humidal/NTP
The fire department previously stated that it was not clear what actually happened. Barmen himself has admitted to having participated in the pit, referring to the party as a “collective head fog.”
– Disappointed and desperate
There should be no doubt that the club is taking this very seriously. We are disappointed, hopeless and cursed by the situation. The first step in restoring the club’s confidence and pride, Johansen says, is by revealing the facts about what really happened and responding to the players accordingly.
Coach Eric Hornland encouraged the nachspielet players to come forward with a joint statement. This has not happened yet.
I do not agree to this process
The lawyer believes that Barmen was not given the opportunity to negotiate the dismissal.
As Barmen’s advisors, you are more involved in the way the employer approaches this process, as we feel Christopher Barmen is under great pressure. There will be demands for negotiations, in line with the procedural rules of the Work Environment Act, but Barmen now needs some time to internalize that, says Barmen’s attorney press release.
General Manager Johansen believes the club has facilitated close dialogue.
Do not agree: General Manager Johansen believes that the club had a close dialogue with the lawyer and Parmin.
Photo: Gerd Johan Bradland/NRK
– Last week we had a close conversation with Barmen’s attorney and were called early for a meeting to discuss this week. She says: We postponed the meeting for two days because of the pressure that Barmen is clearly under.
Johansen said the meeting did not take place.
– The lawyer was offered yesterday either to postpone the meeting until Wednesday of next week, or to receive a written statement on which he could comment with a deadline today early. They chose the latter option, she says.
– dangerous fist
– These are very dangerous moves that they must necessarily have evidence to make. Jan-Peter Saltvedt, sports commentator at NRK, says he also says something about a certain desperation to show action on the part of management.
He believes SK Brann still has a big job to do to restore confidence in the club.
– Now one name gets all the focus. We’ll see how it goes. Saltvedt says I’m pretty sure more people will get degrees of punishment.
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