The entire bus driver was stopped by police in Oslo

David Lowbreak, county president of the Norwegian Associate Professors’ Association in Oslo, responded after the government announced that employees in schools and kindergartens would be exempt from infection isolation during working hours from January 1.

– The exception to isolation seems unreasonable. In addition, we think it’s worrying that you will not be compensated if your spare time is confiscated after being in close contact with an infectious disease due to work. This is not a new issue, but it is being brought up now because it only affects leisure time, says Løvbræk Dagbladet.

– How do you think teachers should be compensated?

– First, it is clear that you should be compensated when your leisure time is confiscated due to an infection at work. A possible example is getting three to four extra hours each day for confiscating your free time.

School and kindergarten staff must meet the requirements for isolated exemptions between three and seven days. The exception applies to those described as other close contacts, but also to persons in the same household or those who are similarly close in case of infection.

Apparently, the Norwegian Directorate of Health proposes that the exception apply to going to and from work. The government did not specify how they see the exception being to go to and from work.

– This is another example of how this exception seems unreasonable. In that case, you run the risk of spreading the infection on the subway, bus or tram, but that is not so important. We think this is very worrying, says Løvbræk.

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– What did you get tonight?

– We got some feedback from the shopkeepers tonight, and when I say “very worried” it’s a mild way to report reactions.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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