The need to wash language in public space

The need to wash language in public space

The Constitution and Oversight Committee of the Sami Parliament has received a case from the Sami Parliament demanding that it be included in the constitution that the Sami in Norway are indigenous.

But the Sami in Norway are not one of the indigenous peoples of Norway, nor are they the first of the indigenous Norwegian peoples. can be documented.

As is known, our entire country was covered with ice about 10,000 years ago. When the Ice Age ended, the ice thawed and retreated, the first strip of land appeared along our coast. Here came the first people. They came by sea. The sea was the No. 1 artery of traffic long ago.

The oldest human remains have been found in the country we now call Norway in Viste (Viste boy) and in Søgne (Søgne woman). These are the people we can rightly call the indigenous peoples of Norway. Norway I, the indigenous people of Norway.

The importance of language in public

The language we use in public, in political life, and in the context of education is not without importance.

In Norway, it is the Norwegian Language Council, now the Language Council, that correctly defines the Norwegian language, for both the public and private sectors.

The Language Council defines the word Aboriginal as:

Indigenous people – ordbø (

Bokmål Dictionary

neutral name Meaning and usage the original people

1. The indigenous people of the area

The same goes for the word aborigines:

A masculine or feminine noun showing the aboriginal inflection


from ur-

Meaning and usage

1. Indigenous people in the area

About ILO 169 (C 169):

It may not be known in the public space that the original text of ILO 169 was rewritten when ILO 169 was translated into Norwegian.

original words Indigenous and tribal peoples Which has been correctly translated into Norwegian Indigenous peoples and tribesmenreplaced by the word Aboriginal.

Native is a Norwegian word with a more recent history, and it is a compound word for words Ur And the peopleand the means First, the aborigines.

For example, in the lyrics of a world premiere or premiere (the premiere of a play, a musical score, etc.)

The word indigenous peoples has no international acceptance.

C169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) (

It is absolutely essential that the Language Council come on board and come out and let the people of Norway know what “indigenous” really means. It is also essential that the Constitution and Oversight Committee and representatives of the Norwegian Parliament receive a comprehensive introduction to the Norwegian language, and the importance of the correct use of the Norwegian language.

The language used has great social significance.

We’ve probably all learned in our studies about the great importance of the small comma (Don’t hang it up, wait till I come – hang it up, don’t wait till I come).

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About the Norwegian word itself

Word same It is also a Norwegian word with a more recent date, which is a collective term for the words patch And the Finn.

patch From Finnish Lapland and Swedish Lapland. Marked on maps today. and the word Finn It was used in church books and village books as a term for Immigrants from Finland to Norway.

Former Sami Parliament Speaker Eli Kisketalu is one of the Finnish immigrants to Norway. The family came from Finland to Norway in 1917. Ole Henrik Maga and the current Speaker of the Sámi Parliament Selje Karin Mutka are also Finnish immigrants. All of these are members of the NSR, an organization of nearly a thousand members in (all!) Norway. In the 2017 elections, only about three thousand people voted for the NSR.

The NSR is responsible for the special treatment requirements for Sami in Norway. NSR does this without legality. The majority of Sami people do not support the NSR and the extreme Sami political line leads the NSR.

The majority of people of Semitic descent are wise and thoughtful people who understand what is the basic idea and main objective of the United Nations Convention. The majority of Semites distance themselves from the NSR’s demands for segregation and segregation. The majority of people of Sami origin in Norway are not registered on an ethnic registry such as the electoral register for the Sami Parliament.

On the Language Council website you can read the following,


«The Old Norse word for Sami, especially from Trondelag and further north, was ‘fen’. This word has once developed a strong negative sound in many people’s ears. I remember growing up in the North that “Finnish” was something people avoided being shown to be. The word “lab” in turn originated from Finnish and Swedish, and early on became an international scientific term in Latin. In everyday Norwegian speech, the word “lap” has been popular since antiquity from parts of Nordland, where the Sami reindeer from the Swedish side came down annually to the coast. In addition, it also had a certain tradition in older Danish-Norwegian literature.

of approx. In 1850, immigration (of Kvens) from Finland to Finnmark and Troms increased sharply, and the old language is now problematic, especially the adjective “Finnish”, which has become ambiguous in that it can refer to both Finland and Sami (Finnish). This contributed to the Norwegian authorities’ switching to using “lap” and “labish” around Sami to separate them from the Kvens. This is probably why the word “patch” has been established as a slang term in the national language for some time to come.

In the midst of a policy of assimilation, the Sami forces took the initiative to change this term. It happened in connection with and around a lofty political organization before and around the First World War. In the 1921 parliamentary elections, a list called “Sami” in the election statistics mobilized the support of the North. Shortly before, in 1918, the “Swedish Lapperna newspaper” was replaced by the “Sami people’s own newspaper”, and in 1925 the magazine “Lappernes Ven” was merged with another edition of “Samenes Venn”, as was the case with the Norwegian Finnemisjonsselskap Later the Norwegian Sami mission.

Thus this arose out of a political desire on the part of the Sami, and then spread to the joint players of the Swedish and Norwegian Sami forces. It was not that the word ‘Sami’, ‘Samilites’ in the Sami language, was essentially a generic Semitic term for all Sami – this is probably in contrast to ‘samijila’, the generic word for the Sami language. In Kautukino, the word “sápmelaččat” hitherto referred to the reindeer herding Sami, while the permanent inhabitants were called “dálonat” (actually “farmers, home people”). There have also been differences in the nomenclature in other places where the Sami live.

The authorities followed hesitantly. Finnmark County Council recommended in 1932 that a new law on reindeer husbandry was to be used, “same” should be used, but in the final act only that word was included in parentheses. After the war, when the authorities spent two decades developing an alternative to the policy of Norwegianization, the 1956 Sami Commission, with that icon-heavy name, was central. But at the time, the word “Sami” was all in use in the names of organizations and institutions and in Norwegian-language publications, even those that originated from the state, apparently. Since the 1960s, when the new Sami policy was gradually implemented, the word “Sami” has gradually established itself as the dominant term in the Norwegian language.» End quote.

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The truth is that the majority of people of Sami origin in Norway today live and live their lives in cities and towns all over the country. The majority of people of Sami origin participate in the educational process, participate in working life, understand what democracy is. Many (most of them) had a higher education and participated in Norwegian society in professions such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, engineers, lawyers, police, accountants, accountants, teachers, associate professors, researchers, etc.

Former Defense Minister Frank Back Jensen (centre) is on the electoral register for the Sami Parliament. Perhaps there is no indication that Frank Buck Jensen has a language and culture different from the language and culture of the majority of the population. As far as I know Frank Buck Jensen has never spoken to Sammy, nor does Sammy understand. The same applies to the current Minister of Agriculture, Sandra Burch, who is also on the electoral register for the Sami Parliament. This is in addition to being a politician in Parliament.

Exact figures for the Norwegian population of Sami descent are not available today. But the ethnic record currently has about 20,000 members of the Sami Parliament. The people of North Kalut made a poor choice in last year’s elections for the Sami Parliament. Last year’s elections to the Sami Parliament showed that those registered in the electoral register of the Sami Parliament are people with many different experiences and opinions, a complex people and a “good mix” people.

Sami can – on an equal basis with all other Norwegian citizens – participate in elections to municipal councils, county councils and the Norwegian Parliament. But in the elections to the Sami Parliament, ethnic restrictions were put in place. One must be of “Semitic origin”. Spouses and all other people who do not have the correct race are excluded. may not participate. It is discrimination. ethnic discrimination. In violation of the United Nations Convention

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She paid NSR without Sami legitimacy in Norway before her. The NSR has captured a great deal of power, both politically and in the public sphere, in part on the basis of the incorrect use of the word indigenous peoples. Sami live in Norway and live their lives in cities and towns, participating in the educational process and in working life as all other Norwegian citizens. Sami should not be in Norway, and they have no reason to claim protection under ILO 169.

Use our tax money, Norwegian taxpayer money

Approximately 1.3 billion NOK is allocated annually, which is for Sami purposes only. This is Norwegian taxpayer money.

At the same time, we see that seriously ill patients do not receive the necessary health care and vital medicines, arguing that they will be too expensive for the state. Our view is that secondary schools should be closed due to the lack of financial resources in the provinces. We see that the county roads are like hollow potato fields every spring due to the insufficient funds in the counties for maintenance and asphalting. Our view is that municipalities have to close primary schools and move students long distances due to a lack of funding. etc. etc.

The tasks of society are many. It is the reasonable and correct use of our tax money that is important. And there is an emphasis on the community – without the sorting, segregation and registration of ethnic records, ie.

We are a people. This is the main objective of the United Nations Convention.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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