The world is on its way to a warming of 2.7 degrees – VG

The world is on its way to a warming of 2.7 degrees – VG
Emissions: Smoke rises from the Agios Dimitrios coal power plant in Greece.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warns that if climate emissions do not fall, the world is on course to raise temperatures by 2.7 degrees.


In that case, it would be disastrous, says Guterres in one of them statment Friday.

In a few weeks, the United Nations Climate Summit will be held COP26 Held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Guterres points to a new UN report on emissions to the 191 member countries of the Paris Agreement. The report warns that countries will not meet the emissions reduction targets set out in the Paris Agreement, which would prevent global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees.

He also says that it is time to stop ignoring science and that we must now listen to the demands of people around the world.

It is time for leaders to stand up and get done, or else the people of all countries will pay a tragic price.

In the Paris Agreement signed in 2015, the international community agreed to limit global warming to a maximum of two degrees, compared to pre-industrial times, But with an end goal is to warm up at 1.5 degrees.

Earlier this year, when the first part of the Sixth Climate Report of the Climate Commission was released, Guterres said that now «code red» for humanity.

Even today, human activity has led to an increase of about 1.1 degrees, which is not declining. The United Nations Climate Panel has concluded that we may already see 1.5 degrees in 2030.

Concern: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is deeply concerned about developments.

Emissions are increasing

According to the statement, research indicates that we must cut 45 percent of emissions by 2030 to reach CO2 neutrality by mid-century. However, the new UN report estimates one emission increase 16 percent in 2030 compared to the level of emissions in 2010.

– This goes against the promise given six years ago to pursue the 1.5-degree target. Guterres said in the statement that failure to achieve this goal will be measured in the heavy loss of life and livelihood.

– It’s not too late

Guterres points out G20 countries It represents 80 percent of global emissions today.

Because even if it comes with a new and dark warning, there is hope, as the latest report of the Climate Commission confirms.

I also made clear that it is not too late to achieve the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees. We have the tools to achieve this goal. But time is running out quickly.

That is why the Secretary-General calls for the leadership of the G-20 countries that operate as the world’s most important economies.

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The decisions they make now will determine whether the promise made in Paris will be kept or broken.

Rich countries are asked to fulfill the promise of money

He adds that “all nations” should make new and more ambitious climate promises within COP26, which will take place in early October and November, to put the world on track for the 1.5-degree goal.

In addition, Guterres calls on the rich countries to finally fulfill their promise made ten years ago to help developing countries in the amount of 100 billion dollars, equivalent to about 870 billion Norwegian kroner.

This goal has also not been met, according to the Climate Finance Report Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development As well as on Friday.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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