The yellow level is introduced in schools at Elverum and the use of …

The yellow level is introduced in schools at Elverum and the use of …

Obviously after a crisis staff meeting in Elverum municipality on Sunday evening.

– We have a lot of infections in Elverum secondary school and Elverum ungdomsskole, and it’s only a matter of time before this spreads to primary schools. Now we are catching up after the infection, and we feel we have to do something to be able to stop this outbreak so that it does not continue week after week, says Mayor Knut R. Scholberg.

This week, 42 ​​people have been diagnosed with the infection. Many of these are associated with outbreaks of Elvis and EUS, and many groups are in quarantine after infection was discovered in class. In EUS, all three steps are affected, while in Elvis, VG1 and some in VG2 are affected. Those concerned have been informed.

Many close contacts

We are seeing infection in several places, including after private gatherings, from schoolmates, in class, across common themes with other classes and through family members. When schools are in the green, there are a lot of close contacts in case of infection. The only thing that helps now is to reduce the number of connection points. We do this by moving to the yellow tier in primary, secondary, and high school, says Scholberg.

Regulations are now being put in place for schools to switch to yellow and use face masks. We will publish the regulations on the Elverum municipality website when they are ready. It will apply from Tuesday, August 31 through September 12.

Many infected people have a large number of close contacts, which leads to a lot of work in detecting and testing the infection.

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Our ability is to the limit when it comes to testing and infection tracing. Those who work with this are doing a great job and putting in great efforts, says Scholberg, but there are many more to follow.

The overall goal at the yellow level is that students and staff have a limited number of contacts and keep track of them, and students are divided into groups. Read more About the yellow level in infection control supervisors / school traffic light models at

Use a face mask

Half of those infected in the past week had an unknown route of infection. This worries the mayor.

– This may mean that we have an unknown infection in the population that we cannot detect. So, now we say that if you can’t stay a meter away in public, wear a face mask, says chief municipal doctor Scholberg.

This is valid from August 31 to September 12 including:

  • Duty to use a bandage on the bus.
  • The duty to use a face mask in other public places when you cannot carry one meter.

Test yourself for symptoms

The mayor says it’s very important for people to get tested when they have symptoms of coronary heart disease, even with weak symptoms.

There may be symptoms such as stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever, decreased sense of taste and smell, headache, lethargy, heavy breathing, diarrhea, muscle aches or feeling sick.

– Now you have to think that the little sniff is a corona, until you test yourself, says the mayor.

Do you need to think about whether or not to take a corona test? Call Corona 915 35009.

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work hours:
From Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 13:00.
Saturday and Sunday: 08.30 – 10.30.

It is still important to keep in mind:
Stay home if you are sick, have symptoms or are in quarantine 🤧🏠
If you have symptoms of a cold, call Corona 915 35009 to assess whether or not to get tested
Keep the distance 📏
Wash your hands well and frequently 🤲🧼
You have a few close contacts ❤️❤️
wait ❤️🌈

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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