A 215-ton underwater hull from Norway’s Randaberg Industries will help secure Norwegian gas to Denmark and Poland, and will be lowered to the sea floor in Denmark in December. From next year, the Baltic gas pipeline will be commissioned.

This structure will connect the Europipe II to the new Baltic Pipe, which will send the Norwegian Gas Pipeline to Denmark and Poland.
Danske Energy Reports The gigantic structure is now being tested in Stavanger. In December, it will be lowered to a depth of 40 meters on the sea floor about 105 kilometers off the west coast of Denmark.
The PLEM structure stands for Pipeline End Manifold, and the new Baltic Pipe gas tube will connect to the Norwegian Europipe II. This will help Norwegian gas flow to Denmark and to Poland from October 2022.
– It’s great to see PLEM evolve from graphics to reality and to see the scale of the structure, says Mark Christian Degen Eskesen in Message.
Eskesen is technically responsible for connecting the Baltic Pipes to the Norwegian Pipeline Network.
Norwegian Randaberg Industries offers the structure, which is 19 meters long, 12.5 meters wide, 3.5 meters high and weighs 215 tons. Europipe II is being contacted in collaboration with Gassco, which operates the Norwegian gas pipeline system, and technical service providers Equinor and Subsea 7.
The total cost of Baltic Pipes was stomach for Between 12 and 16 billion DKK, but Energinet previously reported cost overruns on the Danish part of the tube. The Baltic Pipes will be able to carry ten billion cubic meters of gas annually, and a new source of gas will be able to help increase supply security in Poland.
Security of supply becomes an important issue in periods of high energy prices. Lately, gas prices in Europe have been very high, due to declining gas stocks, strong competition for global ship tonnage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and reduced shipments from Russia. This is putting consumers under pressure, and has led to major gas users like Yara to shut down production.
This map shows where the Baltic Pipe should go.
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From Norway to Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states and Finland: here are the new gas pipelines
Europepipe calling plan
Europipe II is a 658 km gas pipeline that runs from Kårstø in Rogaland to Dornum in Germany, and came into operation in 1999, According to Equinor. From the start, the tube was equipped with a T-piece and two valves, so the Danes could connect, according to Energinet.
Until next year, this will happen. When the PLEM structure is in place on the sea floor, the contractor will measure what the sections of pipe connecting the two structures together should look like, to ensure a better fit, according to Energinet.
Actual contact must be made by divers.
This summer, there were reports that the gas pipe could threaten rodents, bats and two types of snails, and therefore work stopped. Since then, there have been reports of parts of the work can start again Meanwhile, Energinet is working to secure a new environmental permit for the project. There were also demonstrations against the project.
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Rodents and bats stop billions of gas pipelines from Norway
– monster skeleton
Eskesen said it’s a monster skeleton Message last year.
“When the Baltic Pipe is turned on, only gas will flow through it, but it is necessary to deal with the start-up and various processes,” he said.
The PLEM structure is, among other things, important for inspections. It is important to be able to send “pigs” (PIGs) through gas pipes to be inspected. One pig It is an abbreviation of “Pipeline Check Gauge”, that is, inspection equipment.
This is the PLR, or “pig ejector receiver,” which is used to send screening equipment (PIG) through gas tubes.
“smart pigs”
The so-called pigs are sent through the tubes to check if there are dents or weaknesses in them that need to be corrected. There are “dumb pigs” that clean pipes, and “smart pigs” with more sophisticated measuring equipment.
The pigs are sent via the PLR, or “pig launcher receiver,” which is now being tested before being installed on the sea floor and attached to the PLEM chassis. This will happen with the Seven Oceanic in December.
— I would be reluctant to be in a position on the ship and find that the Pig Launcher Receiver and PLEM just don’t fit together, says Eskesen.
In the event of damage to the pipe from Europipe II to the ground in Denmark, which is called the EPII branch pipeline, it is possible to stop the transmission of gas.
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Denmark and Poland evaluate Norwegian gas pipelines
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