TikTok, Pacific Time | TikTok algorithms lead Norwegian children to encrypted forums. TikTok responds with silence

TikTok, Pacific Time |  TikTok algorithms lead Norwegian children to encrypted forums.  TikTok responds with silence

Notify the Police Security Service (PST). NRC Algorithms on social media lead Norwegian children to encrypted forums such as Discord and Telegram.

These are platforms that contain a lot of extremist content, such as videos of murders and acts of terrorism as well as tributes to terrorists.

Some Norwegian children are said to have incited terrorism and the killing of homosexuals in these forums, according to the report NRC.

PST asserts that TikTok is in a special position when it comes to leading children to extremist forums.

– It's like a highway to encrypted platforms where extremist material is shared, PST strategist Sev Sørensen tells the state channel.

– A well-known strategy from TikTok

Nettavisen has been in contact with a TikTok official in Norway. Nettavisen is asked to send questions via email. TikTok's Norwegian press team assured Nettavisen for several days that TikTok would answer questions.

One week later, TikTok has yet to respond to Nettavisen's inquiries, and has stopped responding to repeated email reminders.

Young Conservative Party leader Ola Svineby says he's not surprised that TikTok appears to be coaching operations in front of the press.

– This is a well-known TikTok strategy, which is not appearing in front of the public. When TikTok pays a Norwegian official to handle communications, they can at least speak out, Svenby tells Nettavisen.

– I am still against a ban on TikTok. It concerns ownership and China's security and intelligence law. It doesn't matter what TikTok says in Norway. They don't know what data to give up or not, says the Young Tory leader.

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– It is clear that he can be abused

Svenby refers to Chinese law that requires individuals and private companies to cooperate with Chinese authorities. This includes handing over sensitive information to the authorities.

– What do you think about what PST reveals, namely that TikTok's algorithms send Norwegian youth and children to encrypted platforms with a lot of extremist content?

– Not very surprising. Anyone who has been on TikTok knows how this works. He says it was created to create discord and polarization.

– We see that the algorithms on TikTok work differently than on Instagram, and it is clear that they can be abused. He says it should be banned.

– This is bad. TikTok has a lot to answer for here

The representative of the Storting Sveinung Stensland (H) in the Justice and Preparedness Committee reacts strongly to the PST revelations.

– This is bad. It is completely unacceptable. This ultimately becomes an ethical question. TikTok has a lot to answer for here. It is then a good idea for PST to address the problem at its roots, Stensland tells Netavisen.

– The truth about Tik Tok attracts young people to it , A big problem. I wonder what kind of work ethic TikTok has, if the system is set up to attract them on the ice and if they are willing to do anything to get traffic? The parliamentarian says.

TikTok was launchedFamily pairing on TikTok» In 2020, with the aim of securing children’s experience on the platform.

TikTok plans for parents themselves to take responsibility for how their children behave on the platform with one billion active users.

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Parental responsibility?

– Do you think it is primarily the responsibility of parents to ensure that children are not transferred from TikTok to encrypted platforms containing extremist material, Steensland?

– It's nonsense. I myself am a father of three children. He says it's very demanding for parents, especially when you have teenage kids, to have a complete overview of what they're doing on social media at all times.

Steensland points out that even his parents didn't have control over what he did at all times when he was young.

But fortunately, I survived those who tried to lure me into the rabbit hole. Yes, parents have a responsibility. He stresses that those who run this business also have a responsibility.

Stensland does not want TikTok banned in Norway.

“But maybe we're a little naive,” he adds.

The following four written questions were asked on TikTok:

  1. What kind of measures is TikTok taking with its own algorithms to prevent young TikTok users from being sucked into these encrypted platforms?
  2. Obviously these measures did not work, what do you do now?
  3. What responsibility do you think TikTok has for young people who end up on these crypto-extremist platforms (do you accept responsibility)?
  4. How is TikTok working with the Norwegian authorities to prevent Norwegian youth from being radicalized?
Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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