Vienna: Asylum seekers briefly “angry” over violence

Vienna: Asylum seekers briefly “angry” over violence
Panorama A 13-year-old boy was killed

“Extreme anger” over alleged violence by asylum seekers in Vienna

“Extreme anger” over alleged violence by asylum seekers in Vienna

The murder of a 13-year-old boy in Vienna-Donastat sparked a debate about asylum seekers in Austria. Austrian President Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) said he was shocked by the move.

The President of Austria speaks of a “barbaric crime”: two young men allegedly sexually abused and killed a 13-year-old boy. The body was then placed in a green area. Now the case is becoming a political issue.

D.His murder of a 13-year-old boy in Vienna-Donastat sparked a debate in Austria about asylum seekers. The girl’s body was found in a green area on Saturday.

Prior to his violent death, the victim was said to have taken drugs in order to be sexually compliant. The woman said there were “crimes against sexual integrity.” The suspects were aged 16 and 18 and were from Afghanistan. You are in custody.

The 18-year-old suspect arrived in Austria in 2015 as a helpless minor. In 2016 he received sub-protection. Since then, he is said to have committed several crimes. The Austrian media reported eleven police reports, including drug trafficking and dangerous threats. Most recently, the suspect was jailed, but was initially released.

Kurs laments the culprit-victim upside down

Austrian President Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) said on Tuesday afternoon that he was shocked by the move. His thoughts and the whole country are with the relatives of the victim. But Kurs said he was “very angry.” “I think it is intolerable for people to come to us and say they are seeking protection and then commit heinous, barbaric crimes in Austria,” he said.

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The fact that parents are complicit or the perpetrators are traumatized is not only “misunderstood tolerance” but also “unbearable culprit-victim reversal”.

Kurz reiterated his stance on asylum policy. “There will never be deportation to Afghanistan with me and relaxation of asylum laws against those seeking criminal asylum,” he said.

SPÖ leader Pamela Rendy-Wagner also said Tuesday, 18-year-old suspect must have been deported. If someone commits a criminal offense, they lose the right to seek asylum.

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An investigation is underway into the course of events. For example, it is questionable whether other offenders were involved – and how the girl’s body was moved from an apartment where the crime was allegedly committed where the body was found.

The suspects are loud. “Standard“So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange,” said Marcus Dietrich, a police spokesman.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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