Warns against sunscreen resistance

Warns against sunscreen resistance

“There is no evidence that the sun causes cancer”

This is the claim in the shared video X/Twitter Has over a million page views.

The young American has more than 1.3 million followers on social media, but represents a trend much bigger than herself, and one that continues to spread.

Warns against UV radiation

Warns against UV radiation

Proponents of the anti-sunscreen movement believe that the chemicals in sunscreen contribute to skin cancer and the movement. He writes that it is now spreading to Norway Pinposton.

Under the hashtags “antisunscreen” and “toxicsunscreen” on Tiktok, followers are advising young people to skip sunscreen and harness the “healing power” of the sun.

– The opposite of masculinity

According to The Wall Street Journal Many influencers and social media profiles have jumped on the trend. Many advise their followers to use only homemade sunscreen, or alternatively – buy their skin care products.

In the videos, influencers can be heard explaining how consumers are being ripped off by big pharmaceutical companies.

These companies complain that people don't understand research, which states, among other things, that ingredients hidden in sunscreens actually cause many types of cancer.

Avisa also refers to a recently published study Orlando Health Cancer InstituteOne in seven Americans under the age of 35 believe that using sunscreen is more harmful to their skin than daily sun exposure.

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– We are fighting against a positive image and purported health benefits that are in fact completely false, says Rajesh Nair, an oncological surgeon from the institute involved in the study.

- Unreal

– Unreal

– and getting worse

Chemist Alexander Sandtorv tells Optenposten that he is often asked questions from his followers on social media about whether sunscreen is dangerous and whether it can cause cancer.

– I've seen it get worse. Young people absorb content because it is believable. This is disturbing, he told the newspaper.

He believes that the claim that sunscreen causes cancer is due to factual errors circulating on the Internet, and advises everyone to use sunscreen regularly.

– Sunscreens contain active ingredients, a filter, which protects us from the sun. Some of these filters contain negatively labeled ingredients because they are suspected hormone disruptors.

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These products contain Octorylene.

Recently, the Consumer Council did A sunscreen test and advised against more sunscreens As a result – among others – this material. The Cosmetic Suppliers Association (KLF) came out strongly against the test and called it “without a scientific basis and useless as a guide to consumers”.

The Cancer Society tells Optenposten that they have observed the anti-sunscreen movement and believe it is based on false assumptions. They also point out that the chemicals in sunscreen are well regulated in Norway and the EU.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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