Weather, Forecast | Rain and sun alternate – this is how the weather will be this week

Weather, Forecast |  Rain and sun alternate – this is how the weather will be this week

This week, the meteorologist says there is no reason for anyone to be jealous.

The hottest part of the summer is in full swing and slowly but surely you are approaching the start of the regular routine of school, work and daily life. Southern temperatures may be absent and the weather may be changing.

In some parts of the country, the last monsoon rains have been seen in the sky for a long time, which has been shown in the wildfire hazard warning perspective.

– We have a wildfire alert in Westland County and Mere Oak Romstall. It has been drying there for a long time. Unless there is significant rain, the forecast applies. There must have been more rain than there was, but I expect it to come in the next few days, says the on-duty meteorologist at the Saralambos Circosidis Meteorological Center for Netvision.

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– No one needs to be jealous of anyone

But for the weather forecast. Sarkozytis says this will not be the big headline in the weather forecasts he is sitting on. In southern Norway, meteorologists believe there will be unpredictable weather throughout Fjala.

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– Everyone gets rain here, everyone gets sun and most big cities see temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. Not only will it be gray and wet, there will be more heat between showers, he says.

The worst-case scenario is forecast for the interior of southern Norway.

– If you want to avoid bad rain, do not stay indoors this week. There is also a chance of thunderstorms, says Sarcositis.

Unstable weather will be seen this week in Charland, Austland, Westland, Inland and Trentlock.

– No one should be jealous of anyone, because everyone should have rain and everyone should have access to the sun, he says.

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End of summer in northern Norway

As the meteorologist was about to start, there was no part of the country to escape the unstable weather. This naturally applies to the northern parts of the country as well.

Temperatures in the north will be fine on Monday and Tuesday, but will be a little colder from Wednesday. Then the temperature drops from 20 degrees to a maximum of 16 degrees. In southern Norway, temperatures could reach 18 degrees, he says.

Northern Norway is no exception when it comes to rainfall.

– This is very much changing with southern Norway. Rainy seasons in the Trams and southern parts of the Northland, says Sarcocytis.

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Say goodbye to southern temperatures

Most received good amounts of good bath temperatures and scorching sun in July and June, but for those who believed in swimming and sunlight in August, the odds are rising sharply.

– So far, some southern temperatures are forecast to meet again. In southern Norway it had previously reached 30 degrees in August, but it will not be in the next few days and it is likely to decrease as the days go by, the meteorologist says.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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