When will the clock be set to 2022

When will the clock be set to 2022

We have to set the clock twice a year, and it’s not uncommon to wonder when it should be set, not least the way it should go.

The bottom line is: From night to Sunday, one hour back.

At this time, the clock must be set

More precisely, at 03:00 on Sunday evening, the clock must be turned back one hour, that is, to 02:00. Winter time is always rolled back on the last Sunday in October.

NTB wrote on Saturday that the clock has also become more accurate this year. That’s because the reformatory has a new atomic clock. There are 500 national atomic clocks around the world that form the basis of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), to which all time zones are associated.

In Norway, we are in the time zone UTC+1 in winter and UTC+2 in summer.

- Norway will wait for the EU's decision before we make a decision on whether we should stop clocking, says Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre.  Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

– Norway will wait for the EU’s decision before we make a decision on whether we should stop clocking, says Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Atomic clocks in different countries are measured against each other every day, and four of them are at Justervesenet’s time laboratory in Norway. They have new technology there.

Until July, the deviation from UTC was not intended to exceed 100 nanoseconds (billionths of a second), but with the new clock the deviation is now less than 10 nanoseconds.

It will stop the scheme

Discussions about whether one should Canceling the order of setting the clock Back and forth twice a year.

The European Commission made the proposal in 2018, and the matter, this year as last, is still under consideration by the Council of the European Union.

If the European Union considers moving away from summer and winter, there will be consequences here at home.

Norway will wait for the EU’s decision before deciding whether to stop setting time. For the business world, it would probably be beneficial to have the same solution as our closest neighbours, says Industry Minister Jean-Christian Vestre (AP).

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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