You can safely buy food from Tine

This is the topic of discussion. Opinions expressed in the text are at the author’s expense.

In his position at Bondebladet on March 8, the attorney and communications director for the Live Kleveland Animal Welfare Alliance, argued that consumers looking for food products from producers with good animal welfare should steer clear of cooperatives Nortura and Tine. The title of the publication is “Everyone Can Invest in Better Animal Care.”

Some examples of poor animal welfare in Tyne, otherwise attorney Cleveland wouldn’t take the time to mention them in passing, although we do know the Animal Welfare Coalition cares about the topic about cows and calves—and use cattle trainers to name some of what the organization has previously dealt with.

So it is said: In Taine, we have never claimed there is no room for promoting animal welfare. On the contrary, we are working to document – and continually improve – animal welfare. This work of improvement is being done every day on the principle that today we are better than yesterday, but not as good as we will be tomorrow. Nor do we ignore the fact that good animal welfare is part of the informal contract between us and our customers and consumers. Yes, we are really pleased that some clear expectations have been raised from us, and important questions being asked – also from the Animal Welfare Alliance.

But at the same time, it is appropriate to indicate the work that is being done. Two years ago, Tine launched an Animal Welfare Index, which now shows development in all herds since 2015 for about 40 different standards. It shows that we have positive development in most areas, at the same time that there are areas where we are putting in an extra effort – including in terms of our annual barn tours.

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Since the new year, we, along with the rest of the livestock industry, have launched a separate animal welfare program in which vets perform an annual review of the herds, with a particular focus on areas for improvement.

Nor are we tactile concerned about the cow and calf theme. Here, Tine is an active participant in exciting research projects, at the same time we record that nuances often disappear in favor of sentiment when the topic is up for debate in public. Furthermore, in recent years, we have also held several hundred physical and digital meetings with our owners across the country, where we address the importance of animal welfare well. We do this on the principle that the most important thing for animal welfare in Taine is good attitudes, a strong knowledge of the farmer about what good animal welfare is and the profit to do something about it.

You can safely buy food from Tine, knowing that we work every day of the year to ensure the health of Norwegian cows and goats across the country.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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