“You go in and say hello. You take your place.”

“You go in and say hello. You take your place.”

When US President Joe Biden, 79, attended a meeting about wind turbines at the White House on Thursday this week, press photos revealed he had received some “cheat slips” with directions in the form of a point-by-point list. of keywords.

The purpose of the recall was apparently to guide the President during the meeting with the union and representatives of the wind turbine industry, so that he always knew exactly what to do:

  • The first point reads: “You enter the Roosevelt room and greet the participants.”
  • “You take your place,” is the next point.
  • “The press is coming.”
  • “You give a short (two minute) comment.”
  • The press leaves the room.
  • “You’re asking Liz Schuller, president of the AFL-CIO (union editor), a question.”
  • Note. Liz is engaged by default. »
  • “You say thank you to the participants.”
  • “You leave the room.”

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raise eyebrows

Biden’s “cheat sheet” has attracted attention in both the US and international media. conservative media such as Fox News And the New York Post He mentioned a “cheat sheet”. Biden’s “cheat sheet” also led to advertisements in British media such as telegraphAnd the daily Mail And the independent.

However, a White House official told Fox News that it is standard practice for politicians and government officials to use such sticky notes. It is also said that Barack Obama used similar sticky notes when he was president.

This is a common practice among high-ranking politicians – regardless of age – says Civita’s advisor, Eric Locke, who has followed US politics for a number of years.

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– That’s not strange. The boss’ staff is very careful to give everything with a small spoon, like everything related to etiquette, where they should sit etc. This is done for almost all heads. I don’t know if there is anything additional about Biden. But that’s not unusual, Luke tells Netavizen.

We have an example with George W. Bush speechwriters who wrote reminders in speeches, including “Stick to the script” and “Don’t go off script.” Lucky says Bush had some unfortunate statements along the way.

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Biden’s aging makes him especially vulnerable

Lucky says Biden’s age makes him particularly vulnerable to this kind of press coverage.

Whatever can be explained in the direction that characterizes the era that characterizes Biden, will be sought, no matter how trite. Whether it is the way he walks or is moved. An example is a bicycle accident. Locke says it’s not unusual for cyclists to flip on a bike.

Biden, who talked a lot about a bike flip last Saturday, was almost the subject of ridicule on social media.

Conservative media has an interest in searching for issues that can be linked to his age. But it is gradually conceivable that forces in Democratic parity, who do not want him to run for reelection, will also have information about this type of incident, Locke says.

“I’m among those who think Biden is too old to be president now that he’s approaching 80,” he says.

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Republicans regularly accuse Biden of cognitive decline due to aging. At the same time, there is considerable debate over whether Biden should run for re-election in 2024.

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Frustration among Democrats

More and more Democrats have recently taken to the media and indicated that it is time for a change of party leadership in 2024, and are calling for some form of clarification from Biden himself on whether or not he should run.

In a long article in New York times There were several prominent Democratic politicians who questioned the president’s mental ability and whether he was the right person to lead the party in the 2024 presidential election.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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