This is what the weather will be like at the weekend – NRK Vestland

7.klasse Førde barneskule.

The group of boys at Førde Children’s School does not allow the weather to put an end to the joy of summer holidays. They are very happy that this is the last day of school and that there is a summer with free time.

– It is just a matter of inventing some other thing, as they say and suggest both chess and card games and not least of all sweet treats with a good movie on screen.

Now the holiday is underway for many who have planned travel and other activities. The weather was also very strange in the coming days.

This is due to the low pressure west of western Norway. This will spread more in the country.

Screenshot from Meteorologane.

A gray and wet start to the holiday

– The front entering western western Norway will affect the weather in Norway in the next few days, says on-the-job meteorologist Engfield Villa.

It has entered all the rain-cities in the west and spreads to the south, east and north. In southern Norway, low pressure will also provide winds during the weekend.

Gets well before forehands

There will be variable weather throughout Norway throughout the weekend. Some will experience it as good living weather. Cities will hit other cities, says on-duty meteorologist Engfield Villa.

The meteorologist from Tromsø says the weather there is looking good.

A strong sea wind will pull clouds with it, and it will be good. But on Saturday night, it will rain here too, says Villa.

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Ost Finnmark appears to be the weather winner this weekend. But here, too, the precipitation will be cloudy and scattered.

Once the forehead has passed, he appears to be fine for a day or two at the start of the week. Then it will change again.


Screenshot from Meteorologane.

Big differences in temperature

The onset of summer holidays also provides significant temperature differences.

This weekend, Auckland will reach over 20°C in the hottest temperatures. Western Norway temperatures range from 12 to 15 degrees. While Tromsø has temperatures between 16 and 17 degrees, if we’re lucky, Villa says.

If there is a solar period in Norway later this summer, the meteorologist will not be able to answer. But she can say there will also be a change in weather later in the week.

– It won’t be cool for a while right away, she says.

In any case, do not let the group of boys in Førde Barneskule influence the weather forecast affect their mood. Now it’s holiday!

There are many beautiful things you can find no matter the weather, they say.

Førde Barneskule 7 row.

Good mood: The seventh graders at Førde Children’s School are looking forward to summer anyway! There are a lot of nice things to do indoors, too, they say.

Photo: Wibeke Bruland/NRK

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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