Follow Frank Luke towards Mount Everest – and here he is now

Follow Frank Luke towards Mount Everest – and here he is now

This map – linked to Løke's GPS signals – shows the latest news on his whereabouts:

On Monday, Løke is at Base Camp.

No Norwegian has ever climbed Mount Everest, which has a height of 8,849 metres, without oxygen. that it That Frank Locke will try his hand next week.

Latest news: We will try on Tuesday

His girlfriend Helen Otterhals came to spend time with him.

– It wasn't really the plan for her to come – she was actually supposed to be in Kathmandu, but we wanted to see each other and be together in the days before I traveled to the mountains, Luke told VG.

Løke says she will stay at Base Camp until Løke comes down the mountain. He spent a month in the area Adaptation -And there was a little scuffle.

He'll likely move to Camp No. 1 on Tuesday.

– The shape is very good now – I have never felt like this before, said Luke on Sunday afternoon.

Up to Camp 1 – the first big challenge

Between Base Camp and Camp 1 lies a huge glacier in constant motion.

– When it comes to places on the way up, the Khumbu Icefall is perhaps the most important, says Torgel Hapeth, press contact at Løke Extreme.

Here, Luke descends from the bottom of an ice block on the Khumbu Icefall. Photo: Frank Luke on Instagram

– There is a high risk of avalanches, and in one day up to 16 climbers died there, the press communication indicates.

Løke must walk over seemingly endless chasms and under unstable ice towers.

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Climbers use crampons, which are strong ice spikes attached to boots. Straps make it difficult to walk on stairs over cracks. Photo: Frank Luke on Instagram

It is important to get out of Base Camp early in the morning and cross the glacier before the sun warms the ice.

The difficult journey to Camp 3

In recent weeks, Luke went on several test flights to reach the summit, the highest point up to Camp 3. Afterward, he said he had never felt so tired:

And remember, if he reaches the summit of Mount Everest, he is only halfway there. He also has to go back down.

“Now we'll see what's inside me, if I'm as strong as I say,” Luke says on social media on Saturday.

And here you can get an answer about the cost of the expedition:

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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