If they steal our language, they steal our culture too

If they steal our language, they steal our culture too

The training of the Norwegian language model with modern and contemporary literature should follow a compensation system for authors, and the writing of authors of contributions.

Norwegian politicians must show that they take artificial intelligence, the Norwegian language and cultural heritage seriously.

This is a discussion post. Any opinions expressed in the text are the responsibility of the author. If you want to participate in the discussion, you can read how here.

The intellectual work of Norwegian authors and translators It is used to train artificial intelligence (in order to). without permission. A good word for it is theft, and the thief must be prosecuted.

If these thefts are to be put to an end, agreements must be concluded, and these agreements must include a compensation plan. It is time to put this into practice.

Not a single cent in compensation

Discoveries The link to Books3, an AI training group, shows that major US tech companies have fed their algorithms with Norwegian literature, and that Norwegian intellectual property is therefore Included in the training materials they.

Similar exploitation of copyrighted literature may also occur in Norway, but at the moment no one has an overview of it.

No Norwegian author or translator received any compensation. The AI ​​industry is stealing the work that is the basis of what we earn from our art, but it is doubtful that anyone can or will be punished for it.

Many well-known authors and organization Authors Guild in the United States of America Plaintiff now Big tech companies accused of intellectual property theft and unauthorized training of artificial intelligence robots.

Norwegian writers’ organizations stand in solidarity with the plaintiffs. To the extent possible, we will support Creators in these processes.

The author has the copyright

These days, Norwegian tech communities are everywhere Admire Norwegian publishers. What’s on your wish list? Yes, access to the Norwegian literature in which they want to train the Norwegian language model.

A good example of the Norwegian language will be of great social importance for many reasons. We’re not ready to talk about how we too can contribute to this, but it’s a good time to ask NTNU and others why they’re doing a free ride to publishers.

The individual author has the copyright. This writer or the writer’s organization of which he is a member is the only one who has the right to transfer the right to use the intellectual work. Neither publishers nor Copinor can do that.

I can’t afford free labor

Norwegian language model training with modern and contemporary literature must be followed by a compensation plan for authors. The development and training have now been completed, and now our intellectual property can feed into and contribute to the AI ​​training developed by Norway.

We cannot afford to participate in a free effort to develop a Norwegian language model, no matter how well-intentioned and important the project may be. We demand that the state contribute real compensation for the use of our works, as they are, after all, what we live on.

The choice we face now is whether to allow foreign players to dictate Norwegian language and cultural understanding in the future, or whether we should at least try to do it ourselves.

The situation is not stable. It could be in months. Norwegian politicians must show that they take artificial intelligence, the Norwegian language and cultural heritage seriously. Therefore, authors must be compensated now, before a single copyrighted work is entered into the Norwegian information resource.

What’s behind this post:

  • Brynjolf Young Tjunleader of the Norwegian Writers’ Association
  • Estyn HansenLeader of the Authors’ Association
  • Arne VestboSecretary General of the Norwegian Society of Non-Fiction Authors and Translators
  • Hilda LingAssociation President, Norwegian Translators Association
  • Alexander Lokenchief Norwegian children’s and young adult book author
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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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