Katherine Surland on postpartum depression

Katherine Surland on postpartum depression

I actually get angry when I think about it and have to talk about it, because I wish I could be more open about it even then and my loved ones, at least to get some help.

So says a former TV personality and model Kathryn Suerland (42) in the podcast «Chit chat with HillLed by Hailey Nordby.

In the podcast, Suerland opens up about how she went into postpartum depression after giving birth to her son Leon in 2008.

Meet the stars: Catherine Surland met President Donald Trump when she ran to become Miss Universe in 2004. That was it. Video: Nina Hansen. Reporter: Robin Pedersen. Photo: Jer Hammes. Fax: Look and listen. Pieces: Ingebjørg Iversen / Se og Hør
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I got shocked

In the podcast, Suerland describes an incredible pregnancy, and she could say she was in a TV interview on the same day as her due date. And so reality was turned upside down when the baby was born, and the 42-year-old admitted she had a “little shock”.

Shortly after Leon was born, Suerland had to travel around Norway to record a TV show. This resulted in her going straight to the basement in the period after giving birth, and I think a lot of that was due to the job attached to her.

– I felt this failure. The birth was very horrific. So, don’t slip into it ladies. Sorry, but that’s pretty awful, she says.

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Se og Hør has been in touch with Kathryn Surland, who has nothing to comment on other than what is said in the podcast.

On top of that, in the podcast, it’s clear that Suerland thought it would have been easier to deal with her if she had known more about what she would have gotten into and that everything about childbirth wasn’t “romantic.” She herself could not understand why she was crying all the time, although she later realized that it was not abnormal.

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The 42-year-old adds that she misses someone who can tell her it’s normal, and she herself wants to assure others that it’s okay. he is It’s really hard to stand up during childbirth and the time after.

Open up about hair transplant

Sørland is no stranger to speaking openly about her own experiences, including when she underwent a hair transplant some time ago.

A while ago, Sørland managed to hit her head so hard in the bathroom door that she had an open wound on the front of her forehead that didn’t heal properly.

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This resulted in hair not growing in that particular area of ​​the scalp, and as a result the 42-year-old chose to use it. Hair transplant, I told Se og Hør.

To cover the loose patch of hair before hair regrowth, Suerland can reveal that she used what’s called a hair piece to cover the hairless patch.

– I just thought: “Why haven’t I done this before? It’s cool.” If my hair is bad, I can wear it! She told Se og Hør, “I have a natural part of my hair and part with bangs in it, so I can then decide a little bit from day to day.”

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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