The Red Twins punish tax evaders very severely

The Red Twins punish tax evaders very severely

Mímir Kristjánsson and Sofie Marhaug don't beat fondue. Photo: Helge Mikkelsen / V.G

The red couple will introduce a wealth tax for all Norwegians – no matter where they live in the world.

Rødt politicians Mímir Kristjánsson and Sofie Marhaug this week shouted “Help, they're going to Switzerland!” Publishes the book. About tax evaders.

They write about how the left has lost the debate over tax havens, while launching several concrete initiatives to stop wealth flight.

– Norway makes moving very easy. There are many small and large steps you can take to make quitting worse, says Kristjánsson.

The politician duo, their girlfriends, and the writers all called Viji “Help, they're going to Switzerland!” to talk about their proposals and book project.

Many activities

The book comes on the same day the government announced it will introduce a new and tougher exit tax, meaning wealthy expats will have to pay tax bills they've put off – which would have been scrapped if you'd lived abroad long enough. enough

Beak right: Two politicians enjoy a cheese casserole in a dining hall in Oslo. Photo: Helge Mikkelsen / V.G

Here are suggestions for a red pair:

  • All deferred tax bills must be paid when you move
  • Introduce a wealth tax for all Norwegian citizens – no matter where they live in the world.
  • – Røkke had thirty billion in deferred tax bills when he moved and demanded that they be paid when they moved.
  • Refuse immigrant Norwegians to make campaign contributions to political parties from abroad.
  • Further limit the number of days they can stay in Norway before paying tax.
  • Ban all private aviation, making it more complicated to leave the country for wealth.
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– Lack of intelligence

Both say that most Norwegian billionaires have built their wealth with the help of Norwegian society.

– Røkke is completely dependent on Norwegian oil and gas. Or kindergarten billionaires with direct subsidies from the Norwegian state, Marhag says.

He refers to a statement Kjell Inge Røkke gave to DN in 2021:

“If you make a lot of money above a certain amount, it's no longer yours. It's socially constructed. You're a product of society.

– Many billionaires don't have that insight. Then Røkke stopped worrying about it, frankly, he says.

The author-duo also admitted to a major flaw — and personal traits — in the book, which you can read more about here.

– More dissatisfaction

Neither of them allowed themselves to be bothered by their wealth, which they felt was not worth enough in Norway.

– Getting rich is now easier than ever. But the rich are more dissatisfied than ever, says Kristjansson.

Regarding some old statements by Jens Stoltenberg, among others, both believe that exchanges were often harsh before.

Stoltenberg told VG in 2008 that “he will look for opportunities to tax Stein Erich Hagen by light and lamp”.

– “Now we're going to rob the rich,” said the ap-toppers. It has never passed now. So the debate, on the contrary, has become less fierce. Therefore, we cannot accept them making such claims. It's like children. You have to set some limits, he says.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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