Wild world experience: It will live underwater – for 100 days

Wild world experience: It will live underwater – for 100 days

He calls himself “Dr. Deep Sea”, and is currently preparing for an ordeal that is likely to put most of us to shame. For just over three months, more than 100 days, researcher Joseph Dettori will conduct a scientific experiment in which he will find out how people are affected by being under water for an extended period of time.

He will break the world record

On Tuesday, February 28, Joseph Dettori installed an airlock with two small chambers of 2.4 x 4 meters each. The chamber is located at a depth of just over 6.7 meters in a lake in Key Largo, Florida, USA.

One of his goals is to beat the current Guinness World Record for 73 days underwater. But Joseph Dettori, PhD, in biomedical technology, also has a much more important mission: to investigate the long-term effects of being in a stressful environment.

at recent days An interview with the American NPRconducted from the room at the bottom, Joseph Dettori states that previous research shows that environments under stress can have a positive effect on the number of stem cells in the body, as well as along the ends of chromosomes and thus-called telomeres.

The scan was done using artificial intelligence technology

Joseph Dettori believes loneliness will be the worst. He has behind him a long career as a diver in the US Navy before becoming a researcher. Photo: University of South Florida

With each cell division, telomeres get shorter and shorter, which contributes to cell aging. Finding ways to lengthen the ends of chromosomes could be an important discovery for delaying human aging.

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Dettori will undergo regular physiological exams so that data can be collected on how his body has been affected during his stay. Controls should be supervised by physicians experienced in hyperbaric and hyperbaric therapies.

Among other things, it will use newly developed artificial intelligence technology to analyze its health values, so that customized treatment can be started quickly if it becomes unwell.

In the research, we will look at, among other things, how to extend people’s lives, as well as how to develop better tools to improve health. It would be great, he told NPR.

– I am sure that organisms that live in the depths of the underwater world can carry cures for many diseases that we humans suffer from, he says in a press release.

No sun on the horizon

Before becoming a researcher and assistant professor, Dettori was a diving officer in the US Navy. Although he’s used to being underwater for long periods of time, he thinks it would be difficult to deal with loneliness below — and deal with it without sunlight on the surface.

– Even if I receive visitors, I am more or less sitting in a prison cell. I can get out of the box and swim around, but I have to go back inside after that, and there’s no sunlight getting there, he says.

The article was first published on new technology

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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