Emily Foy-Nearing on her “Farmer Celebrity” residency:

Emily Foy-Nearing on her “Farmer Celebrity” residency:

The stay of tenants in Li gård is going well as we are now in the second week of “Farmen kendis”.

For the vast majority, the stay so far has been a complete transformation, with new routines, little food and farm work, the adjustment the participants have to go through obvious to TV viewers.

Lightens the veil on wedding plans

Among the participants is food influencer and cookbook author Emily Vu Niering (28).

She told Dagbladet that the hardest thing about the residency was the lack of freedom – there was nowhere to go if the mood was pressing.

Celebrity torbit: Alexander Sæterstøl has a somewhat special relationship with Dora Thorhallsdottir.
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– I don't argue in general. I rarely get angry, I just feel very sad, she tells Dagbladet.

On Tuesday's episode, she cried on camera when she said she missed being part of the cooking team at the farm.

He had claims before

He had claims before the “Celebrity Farm”

Throughout the first week it was Oni Askeland (61) and Anne Cat. Herland, 51, took over the kitchen, something Neering said she would love to be a part of. In the program, she describes cooking as her “safe haven.”

“I feel like I'm intruding a little bit if I say I want to join the kitchen,” Neering says while crying in the episode.

Special agreement: Oni Askeland can be seen in “Farmen kendis” these days. Many people wondered why the artist was allowed to wear sunglasses inside the farm. Now you answer. Reporter: Björn Ecker. Video: Thea Hope/Red Runner
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– I search for the cupboard designated for cooking, but then I do not find enough space. Which is a bit silly, but that's the way it is. You're still a little vulnerable here, because everything is so new. So having something safe from work would be good.

- Glad we agreed

– Glad we agreed

In front of Dagbladet, it seems that this was not the only time Neering cried during his stay.

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– I don't know how much it sounds like it, but I often went alone and cried, because there was a stressful atmosphere and I couldn't say a word, she says, explaining that small things like disagreements over the distribution of work and animal husbandry are often very all-consuming there.

grouchy: A heated conflict arises between the big farmer and Christian Brynhovd during the first election for the first champion of the year in “Farmen Kjendis”. Video: TV2 / Red Runner / Jessica M. Szymanska
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-I went out and cried, then came back again. “That's how I dealt with it,” she says with a laugh.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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