Belarus is believed to be supplying migrants with tear gas – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries

Belarus is believed to be supplying migrants with tear gas – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries

The report that the Belarusian authorities supplied the migrants with tear gas came from a spokesman for the Polish border guards, and was quoted by the AP news agency.

The Workers’ Party also sent out a video today showing how Belarusian forces fired lasers at Polish border guards on the other side of a barbed wire fence.

Lasers were fired across the Belarus-Poland border on the night of November 13.

laserstroller can cause Blindness is both temporary and permanent, depending on the strength and how of the injury.

Interferes with GPS signals

NRK’s ​​reporter, Roger Severin-Browland, stayed for several days in the three-kilometer-wide security zone along the Polish border with Belarus or just beyond.

– Today it was completely impossible to use GPS for navigation. The GPS was completely off. Google maps not working. We had to use old paper maps, says Bruland.

But it is not clear whether the authorities in Poland or Belarus are responsible for jamming or disrupting the signals.

The NRK reporter is now in the Polish city of Bialystok, near the security zone where a state of emergency has been declared.

Polish soldiers and Polish police guard the border.

Polish security forces guard the border with Belarus near Koznica in Poland. On the other hand, immigrants who want to enter the European Union can be seen.

Photo: HANDOUT / Reuters

Great security forces

A total of 15,000 Polish soldiers, internal security forces, border guards and police were mobilized to prevent migrants from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Africa from entering Poland.

Polish authorities are convinced that Belarus and Russia are using migrants to pressure the European Union to lift economic sanctions on Belarus.

Poland today accused Belarus soldiers of trying to punch holes in the barbed wire fence erected along the border.

This is also the EU’s external border in the region. But so far Poland has refused EU help.

– Locals here are terrified of the outbreak of war, says Roger Severin Bruland of NRK. Most of them support the hard line of the government.

Shiro from Syria

NRK and Klassekampen met “Shiro” from Syria earlier this week.

"Shiro" An immigrant from Syria who crossed the border on the fourth attempt

Shiro is among the lucky ones. Before embarking on his journey to Europe, he worked as a chef in Lebanon for four years.

Photo: Roger Severin Broland/NRK

Four times he tried to cross the border between Belarus and Poland. Returned by the Polish border guards. In a battle between emigrants and Belarusian soldiers, he broke two ribs.

He was determined to lie down to die.

– I lay and cried and thought about my family, Shiro tells NRK.

He was among the lucky ones. Local Polish activists took him to hospital, and he is now one of them staying at the refugee reception center in Białystok.

Migrants in Belarus gather to light fires.

Migrants from the Middle East and Afghanistan gather to light a fire while they wait. Photo from Grodno, on the Belarusian side of the border. November 12.

Foto: Leonid Shcheglov / AP

dead Syrian immigrant

Not everyone is equally lucky.

Police in Bialystok said they found a dead man near the border with Belarus yesterday. He was spotted by a police helicopter on patrol.

Documents were found on the man sound It is a matter of a 24-year-old Syrian national who came to Belarus in mid-September.

According to the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wiborksa, at least ten more people have been found dead in the border area since August.

Hans Kluge is the European Director of the World Health Organization. He fears what might happen to the refugees when King Winter spreads across Europe.

The injured immigrant is cared for by ambulance and police personnel.

An injured migrant is cared for by Polish ambulance and police personnel. Near Hajnowka 11 November.


“I am deeply concerned that thousands of vulnerable people, stranded in no man’s land at the frontier, are at the mercy of the weather when winter comes quickly,” says Hans Kluge. The New York Times.

It is close to subzero temperature at night in the area.

Women and children sleep outside in the cold. Kluge says many people have already died, and there are increasing infections with corona.

Thousands in makeshift camps

According to Polish authorities, more than 10,000 migrants have attempted to cross the border illegally since August, 6,700 in November alone.

Few manage to.

Migrants on the Belarusian side of the border.

Belarus is pleased to allow photographers to take pictures of migrants on their way to Poland, here from Grodno on November 12.

Foto: Leonid Shcheglov / AP

1,500 are now in guarded reception centers in Poland, where they will have the opportunity to apply for asylum.

Putin denies that Russia has anything to do with the crisis

Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin abdicates any responsibility for the migrant crisis in neighboring countries.

– I want everyone to know that. “We have nothing to do with this,” Putin tells Vesti, a news program broadcast on state radio.

He says he hopes Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will speak soon.

men class struggle Talk to migrants who have reached the Polish border via Moscow.

Russian President Putin and Belarusian President Lukashenko attend a press conference in Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko (left) have many overlapping interests. But Putin does not want to be used in Lukashenko’s confrontation with the European Union. Photo from a meeting in Moscow on September 9.

Photo: Shamil Zumatov/Reuters

However, Putin’s loyalty to his Belarusian counterparts has clear limits.

Lukashenko threatened To stop the flow of gas from Russia to Europe. Important pipelines pass Belarus on the way.

“It would be a breach of our contract for the transportation of gas,” Putin said today.

He warned that such a measure would harm relations with both Belarus and the European Union.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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