Corona, Corona virus | Disliked by the government:

Corona, Corona virus |  Disliked by the government:

On Thursday evening, the government held a press conference on the national measures of Corona.

Advance expectations is that the government will open society to a greater extent. This is despite the fact that the infection is still reaching its new peak.

It was announced during the press conference, among other things, that the liquor ban would be lifted. This means restaurants and bars will be able to serve alcohol until 11pm.

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For the general manager of the Rock In bar, Erman Atabay, this was critical. He told Nettavisen that the pub will now be open regarding serving alcohol.

However, the bar manager is testing out the new engravings as a stopover.

– I want to say that I am moderately satisfied, Atabay tells Netavizin.

– We are a place that tends to be open until 3 am, and usually many guests arrive at 23 or later. That means we have to try to get the audience to come early, he says.

The suspension of serving will be lifted from Friday, and the serving must be done at the tables. However, Atabay is still worried about the future of the pub.

– This is seen as a preference for restaurants. My concern is first and foremost that this will affect sales, but also that there will be a wild celebration in private homes, Atabay tells Nettavisen.

He hopes the government will amend the state’s compensation system, so that all closed restaurants will be compensated.

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hotly discussed

On the other hand, Rockin’ isn’t the only player who struggled last month. The drinking ban has been one of the most discussed measures since the December 13 lockdown. Several actors have walked out and demanded that the procedure be cancelled.

This should be the last time we’re stopping liquor completely across the country,” said Kristin Crone-Devold, CEO of NHO Tourism.

The ban on serving alcohol created significant challenges for many in the service industry. Many restaurants in Oslo had to close, among other things, to make things go in the opposite direction.

More comfort

However, at the press conference, the prime minister said that even if the measures were successful, it would not be possible to fully open up the community. There are still more restrictions in the coming weeks.

Those who can get a home office should continue to do so. The distance requirement must be maintained.

At the same time, the government introduces a green standard in schools, which municipalities consider appropriate. In addition, quarantine rules will be changed, as a stricter testing regime will be introduced.

The government will present a new assessment of these measures in early February.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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