Corresponding, Lillehammer | Appreciate a good political struggle

Corresponding, Lillehammer |  Appreciate a good political struggle

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the views of the author.

GD has laudably highlighted the role of politicians, ie. Through interviews with a range of experienced politicians and the wise comments of GD’s Jostein Hernæs, HINNS Mette Sønderskov, and social researcher Ulf Holberg. It is written ia about “decapitation”, about “burnout syndrome”, criticism as “a fresh breath of new ideas” and that politicians and citizens should enter the “initial stages of policy development” early. These are all important points. At the same time, it is important to show that the picture is not clear, not when it comes to describing the problem or solutions.

This with the beheadings of those who dare stand up and speak their minds a perceived problem for many. At the same time, it is easy to find examples that it is the politicians whose voices are heard in the media and at meetings who are the most “popular”, and who are better off hiring.

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I am more concerned that we do not appreciate all the exhaustive, very important, difficult and time-consuming work that politicians do in their spare time, mostly quietly – without having their pictures taken or quoted. If all these sects withdraw and stay away from politics, local democracy will collapse.

So yes, “fatigue syndrome” is easy to find. At the same time, my impression – but I could be wrong here – is that no It has become more difficult to get people to appear on electoral rolls in recent years. It is good for people to come and go to the municipal councils until someone takes a new term, and something comes out to replace them with new members.

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This is us then no To do, is to deal with more tasks and greater expectations of those who administer politics in their spare time between, before and after working hours, care time and necessary leisure time. There are more and more good case studies and plans that you need to read and discuss, at the same time that you would expect politicians at leisure to talk more and better with users and residents. Whenever I am criticized as an entertaining politician, and often for too little, in hindsight, I know the critics are right. But what is the solution?

solution anyway no At the same time expect more, while simultaneously tightening the time and rewards on the basis of the claim that committees and municipal councils are “nice to sit”. Most of us are wired in such a way that there is a correlation between how much time we devote to a task and how we solve that task. In practical life this is taken for granted, but not in political life?

The last point, which hasn’t gotten much attention either in the media or among researchers, is my favorite “partisan politics.” My first concern is that we show so little understanding and respect for the fact that politics is built on disagreement, on rivalry between political parties and ideologies. Then we must not develop ideals of political governance where agreement is ideal and disagreement is somewhat problematic.

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We are not served by the fact that a local election campaign should only be about an election among the people, not about an election between different politics. A prerequisite for political parties to be alive and exciting is that the local level be given room for political action, and not be suffocated in the processes leading to agreement. A “fresh breath of fresh ideas” can come into partisan political debates.

Let’s be better at estimating a good political disagreement, a good political disagreement. Let us get better at becoming more orderly in political disagreement, in developing a community of good governance disagreements and citizen participation in spite of political divisions. It is only with such ideals that we strive for that we take politics and democracy seriously.

Axel Hagen Lillehammer, representative of the municipal council. (SV) The Int

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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