Defending religious communities – Folkebladet

Defending religious communities – Folkebladet

modern Norway It is shaped by a strong Christian cultural heritage, at the same time that society today is characterized by an increasing diversity of beliefs and viewpoints. Faith, religious practice, and traditions are of great importance to individuals, at the same time religious and philosophical communities have societal power.

Faithful and religious Practice is a normal part of society. Humans are opinion seekers, and approximately 85 percent of the population are members of a religious and philosophical community. Religious and philosophical communities are important arenas for society, they contribute to solving social challenges and are important cultural vectors. We must facilitate a society open to philosophy that takes people’s spiritual needs seriously. Religious and philosophical practices must be able to appear in the public sphere, and religious and philosophical communities must be partners in the development of the welfare society.

Multiple parties on The left expresses its desire to interfere with freedom of religion and belief and to regulate organizations that should receive support from a religious point of view. Last spring, Parliament passed legislation and frameworks for new religious and philosophical policies. The key word there was equal treatment in public support. However, we cannot take this for granted in the future.

we live in At a time it is quite clear that Christian organizations and various denominations are under increasing pressure, and that the left’s trust in Norwegian politics in this area is low. People deserve to know what kind of policy a potential red and green government would pursue in this area, and what the dramatic consequences would be for religious communities. Because it does not matter which religious groups which party is in power.

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We are special Excited about the line in the politics of faith that the Center Party will take. Recently, it is clear that they tend to take the same suspicious and controlling line as the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party. We saw this recently when considering a new law on religion and belief where the Center Party wanted to order a number of 100 members for religious congregations and communities to receive state support. The demand is justified by their desire for increased supervision and oversight. If this proposal had support, then in practice this would mean that 356 religious communities would lose the support of the state, which is dangerous because we need a variety of religious congregations because it gives different people the opportunity to find a place where they feel at home and can call their spiritual home. Not least that this proposal from the Center Party is on a clear collision course with their region’s profile. Is it not desirable that the communities live around it in the small municipalities and in the village?

with KrF in Ministry, the government introduced a new policy of religion and belief. It is now clear that an open society is well established. Religion must have a natural place in the public sphere. It is important for KrF in government to create security and pride that religion has a natural place in our society – and will continue to own it.

We are sad For a new law of faith and philosophy! KrF wants to ensure that faith and the principle of equal treatment are upheld. Through this act, an actively supportive religious and philosophical policy continues with good funding plans that protect both the Church of Norway and the equal treatment of all religious and philosophical communities. Smaller classes with at least 50 members are also eligible for grants.

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open society It comes exactly to this, people of faith and religious culture can express it in public. We believe that if we want an open society, we must have space for people who have the religious identity and outlook on life that each individual has. Such a society values ​​the importance of faith to individuals and the importance of religion to society. You can safely vote KrF this time!

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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