Deutsche Gemeinde Rom: Bitte um Vergebung für Versagen Hudals

Deutsche Gemeinde Rom: Bitte um Vergebung für Versagen Hudals

Because of his closeness to National Socialism, his activity as a refugee aid for NS members, and his war crimes after the end of World War II in Rome, the Austrian-born bishop Alois Hudal (1885-1963) is controversial. The current Nachfolger Hudals als Rector des deutschsprachigen Priesterkolleg Santa Maria dell’Anima has Holocaust Überlebende für Hudals Versagen um Vergebung gebeten.

“That means the Opfer wie Überlebende renews the Missachtet und gedemütigt,” said Salzburg priest Michael Max on Tuesday evening at the Anima bei einer Begegnung with the Washingtonian delegation of the Holocaust Memorial Museum. The occasion of the American delegation’s visit to Rome was the conclusion of the project. Collaboration with Anima: Dabei wurden In the past six months, important archival documents of the Romanian College of Priests from the era of social nationalism have been comprehensively digitized. The 2006 document was created by the Animal Archives through private and diverse correspondence from 1937 to 1952, in which The Rector pledged to hand over the bishops and pledged to contribute to the global Holocaust investigation and more light on it.zustellungen.

In den Dokumenten fänden sich Name der schlimst Verbrecher am Jüdischen Volk während des Holocaust, “Anima” – Rector Max threw a party at their reception on Tuesday evening. said university president Max Ober-Hodal. Die Namnung der Täter sei unausweichlich, wolle den durch die NS-Täter ihrer Würte beraubten Opfern ein Stück ihrer Würte zurückgeben.

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“If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will send you a message.”

Hudal from 1923 in der Anima tätig

Hodal had been active in Santa Maria dell’Anima since 1923 and wanted to work in the 1930s as a “Brockenbauer” between Rome and the Nazi regime. These karitatives also work for the policy. zeigen, dem österreichischen SS-Führer Otto Wächter (1901-1949) was a Tod Mehrer Monati in Rom, not personally fighting in the Priestly College of the Anima.

American historian Susan Brown Fleming told us last year in Rome while collaborating with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Zoo. This is the first time, but there is a problem with the hard work of criticizing the situation in the countryside for the Zweiten Vaticanischen Konzil (1962-1965) if this is what he had to do. Brown-Fleming threw a party at the same time, something for the Schlussfolgerungen. Documents must be submitted to Hudal during any major effort.

Wegen seines Engagement für Kriegsbrecher The Austrian bishop was to be excommunicated by the Vatican in 1952, as rector of the Priesterkolleg zurückzutreten. War broke out with Eugenio Pacelli, at the hands of Pope Pius XII. (1939-1958), where Ihn 1933 zum Bischof weihte.

(Chapter / Vatican News – SST)

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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