“Does it make sense that the price one gets for 10 percent of the energy, should set the price for the other 90 percent?”

“Does it make sense that the price one gets for 10 percent of the energy, should set the price for the other 90 percent?”

This reader post was written by Per Inge Bøen, a retired Davik, member of Motvind Norge and Vi who is asking for cheaper electricity.

The battle for the silver legacy. Ideas about energy production and sales in Norway

price shock

This fall, the free electricity market has had a staggering effect on spot prices, and the Internet is boiling with angry and frustrated electricity customers.

In most of the years since Nord Pole was founded, we have exported surplus energy to our neighboring countries, without this having a particular effect on prices here at home. The few years we’ve had a slight disability haven’t posed any problems either. With the large export capacity we have gained now, we are in a new position. It’s OK that we get paid well for the energy we emit, but it’s hard to fathom determining the price of the energy we use ourselves. Does it make sense that the price one gets for 10 percent of the energy should set the price for the other 90 percent?

Free electricity market?

In the wake of the new energy law, a whole new industry has emerged within the electricity sales of this country, energy suppliers. They don’t produce anything, but they buy electricity from Nord Pool at the current spot price, and sell it to customers after adding a little bit to the price. We probably all have telemarketing experience who offers the ‘best power deal’. In røynda, only a small change separates one from the other. What matters is the type of spot area the person is in. This fall we saw the gruesome results this can give. The agents in Bergen had to bomb 10 to 20 times each. kWh as a customer in Floro (the reason for that I will come to later). The point is that one is bound by the spot price at which one lives, and cannot choose to buy energy from a city in the country at a lower price.

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Silver our heritage

new stream. It should be used a quarter of a year after its production. A tank hydroelectric power plant is the best source of energy available. It regulates production according to consumption from second to second completely automatically. When you and I turn on the light or the stove, the generator automatically responds by increasing the power. A simple but ingenious system, it worked and gave us light and heat in homes for 100 years. And the lake, we get it completely free from above. A lot here with us at least. Most of it accumulates in natural lakes and from there it can be converted into energy as needed. The Energy Law states:The country’s hydroelectric resources belong to the public and must be managed in its favor. This must be ensured through public ownership at the state, county and municipal levels(End of quote). This is our heritage silver.

Wind energy, an unregulated energy source

When wind turbines in Guleslettene and Marafjellet spin and produce electricity, this should reach users after a quarter of an hour. So it must have a “right of passage” in the network. This means that the hydroelectric plant at Sogn og Fjordane Energiverk (SFE) and other hydropower producers must limit their production accordingly. This fall, a lot of water on the dams flowed into the SFE, which means a loss of revenue. Income from wind energy goes to overseas owners. But every day that the wind turbines spin to produce electricity, it stands still for two days (on an annual basis), producing nothing. In order to have the 24/7 electricity, on which society completely depends, another power source must always be on standby, ready to take over production. The alternative is to develop four times the wind energy one actually needs, and spread it even further (this is not my claim, but calculated by serious professionals).

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Do they have a little shit on drag, SFE?

Existing Sfe customers have now received their first bills of a new joint rutium (new land found at sea) that calls itself Watten. It is common among the energy producers (except Sognekraft) who together are behind this marketing trick, that they have gone through a big customer flight. This fanatical gang are the ones who call themselves opponents of wind energy, who find themselves other suppliers. For SFE, which we felt was our own power company, it evolved into something completely different, the worst in wind power. Now I don’t think SFE managers lose their sleep at night because of this, everything they produce is still bought by Nord Pool. Some private clients are angry at or may mean little or nothing in the big picture.

More about Nord Bull in the next post.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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