Donald Trump in Orlando –

Donald Trump in Orlando –

Orlando (Daily Newspapers): Orlando’s gigantic conference hotel is brimming to the teeth with Trump’s most ardent supporters. In recent days, many of the most famous politicians and thinkers in Republican circles have taken the podium. In the lanes, media from the far right were stationed in a row. The huge trade fair district is littered with all kinds of Trump influences and gear signaling a fierce anger against Democrats and President Joe Biden.

Saturday night local time, the biggest star comes north from the Mar-a-Lago residence in West Palm Beach.

Trump is perfect as a president. We need it most now, especially with everything that is happening in the world and in Ukraine. Clement Connolly tells Dagbladet that he wanted to see this from a distance and prevent the invasion from happening.

She is from North Carolina and is nicknamed “Lady Liberty”. Half of the face is made up of the American flag. You smile broadly when we start talking about Trump.

– need it

Many of us are paying to keep him quiet again. I really hope he gets elected in 2024 and makes America great again, says Connolly.

Missing: Clement Connolly attends this year's CPAC conference in Orlando.  She misses Donald Trump as president.  Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet

Missing: Clement Connolly attends this year’s CPAC conference in Orlando. She misses Donald Trump as president. Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet
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Like many others in Orlando, she sincerely hopes to run for office again. She also believes that no one can challenge Trump as a presidential candidate if he runs.

– We need him more than anyone. Connolly said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has become a good candidate for vice president.

She describes the feeling of seeing him alive as “something totally magical”.

He has an aura and energy around him that cannot be described in words. There is a lot of power and greatness out there. She says: We want you back, Trump.

Invade: Trump’s Republican supporters present their views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine during the CPAC conference in Florida, USA. Reporter: Figard Kaval
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“The Big Lie”

Trump considers the annual conference a great hero. He has always been flirting with the fact that he will run for president again in 2024. He still claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him, despite the fact that this has been refuted in a long series of rounds in the judiciary, in polls and investigations.

At the CPAC, the “big lie,” as the US media called Trump’s claim, is still alive and well.

Last week, Trump also received close attention for his statements about Ukraine and how Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, behaved during the invasion.

Biden this week announced wide-ranging sanctions against Russia and President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Trump praised Putin for his strength and ingenuity.

– That’s a genius. Putin declared the independence of a large part of Ukraine. It is wonderful. Use ‘independent’ and ‘we will go in and help bring peace’. You have to give it to him. This is very smart, Trump said of Putin on Tuesday Washington Post.

Trump himself also claims that the invasion of Ukraine was the result of widespread election fraud in the United States in 2020.

Excited: Charlie Adkins describes Donald Trump as a warrior.  Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet

Excited: Charlie Adkins describes Donald Trump as a warrior. Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet
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– Warrior

“It all happened because of a rigged election,” Trump said in a telephone interview with Laura Ingraham in a telephone interview on Wednesday.

His reasoning is that Russia will not invade Ukraine if he himself remains president.

But inside the CPAC, most people speak of Putin as an evil tyrant who should be punished for the attack. Trump’s homage to the Russian president is largely pushed under the rug.

Charlie Adkins of Florida enthusiastically strolls among the thousands of CPAC attendees. The shirt is designed to be the American flag.

I like that Trump is a warrior. Many say that doesn’t make him presidential, but these are not presidential times. I like that he fights for what he believes in. Adkins tells Dagbladet that many of his ideals are mine.

He thought the Republicans were too passive.

Who will you support in the primaries between Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis?

– It would be a tough choice. I’m from Florida and really love Ron DeSantis. But I love the idea of ​​Ron Dientis being a running mate. Then two terms with DeSantis. That would save many years of conservative leadership, Adkins says.

Fans: Delaney and Reed Madden of Kansas believe the situation in the United States has been catastrophic since Donald Trump resigned as president in January of last year.  Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet

Fans: Delaney and Reed Madden of Kansas believe the situation in the United States has been catastrophic since Donald Trump resigned as president in January of last year. Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet
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Putting America first

Delaney and Red Madden from Kansas are both big fans of Trump.

– At the moment it seems that there are many corrupt politicians in the elite who are ruling. When the establishment is against a man like Trump, it makes me think that there is something to be encouraged. Reed told Dagbladet that he did a lot of good in his previous term as president.

He puts America first. Everything he did was good for the country. I hope he comes back as president. Since leaving the White House, the situation in this country has been catastrophic, Delaney told Dagbladet.

Conservative: Michael Derbilbossian believes that Trump ruled the United States as a conservative.  Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet

Conservative: Michael Derbilbossian believes that Trump ruled the United States as a conservative. Photo: Johannes Worsøe Berg / Dagbladet
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Michael Derbilbuzyan of Michigan wears one of Trump’s signature red hats with the caption “Save America.” He would like to tell Dagbladet how excited he is for the former president of the United States.

There are many reasons why I support Trump. He was able to get his opinion across to the establishment in 2016. Many were skeptical about whether he would actually rule as governor. It turns out he does just that. He will do the same when he retires in 2024. The future looks bright, Derbilbozyan says.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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