England: – He paralyzed chickens

England: – He paralyzed chickens

The 43-year-old Englishman ordered his usual Indian dish from his favorite restaurant. The father of the young boy ended up with serious food poisoning, writes South Wales News Service (SWNS).

Soon, he developed an autoimmune disorder, Guillain-Barré syndrome. The cause of the food poisoning, which again led to the syndrome, must have been raw chicken from the restaurant.

Syndrome It leads to nerve damage and paralysis of the legs and lower body, and less often the arms.

In most cases the paralysis spreads from the muscles of the lower legs to the large muscle groups and can affect other parts of the body and in the worst cases paralyzes the breathing muscles, According to the Norwegian Health Information Technology (NHI).

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can be serious

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has answered Dagbladet’s questions about how dangerous it is to eat raw chicken in Norway.

They encourage the use of their utensils for chicken in the context of cooking. This is because potential bacteria in chicken can transfer to other foods.

How dangerous is it to eat raw chicken?

Raw chicken can contain pathogenic bacteria that cause gastrointestinal infections. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s advice is that poultry should be well-cooked/well-cooked, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority writes to Dagbladet.

The end result of eating raw chicken can be dangerous and can cause long-term pain. Campylobacter is the cause.

These bacteria often lead to bacterial enteritis in people in Norway, according to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Campylobacter with salmonella, in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, can in rare cases cause sequelae that can be serious and long-term, writes the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

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He didn’t breathe

The syndrome can occur in a weakened immune system, the NHI writes. As with Miller after food poisoning.

When his breathing became significantly worse, he was sent to the hospital’s intensive care unit.

– I was worried about my breathing, I could tell that I was not breathing very hard. I was never completely paralyzed and still had some movement in my hips, but not enough to roll over in bed, he tells SWNS.

After two months in the hospital, he still had to use crutches and a walker.

In addition, railings were installed around the entire family home to aid Miller.

A long time: It will take many years before David Miller gets his life back.  Photo: David Miller/SWNS

A long time: It will take many years before David Miller gets his life back. Photo: David Miller/SWNS
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It took a long time

It has been nearly seven years since Miller fell ill. It was the chicken from the Indian restaurant that made him deathly ill.

The road back to everyday life has been a long one for the Englishman.

– It affected a year of my life. He told SWNS that my eating habits haven’t really changed, but it does make you think.

Recently, Miller made a full recovery, with no signs of relapse. He will celebrate this by running the London Marathon.

The period of illness made him think a little about the little things.

– I’m starting to think a little more about life and focus on what’s going on right now. I took more time off from work, he told the British media, and my illness was certainly a contributing factor.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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