A few Norwegian companies say they use AI to a large extent: – We hope this will be a wake-up call, says director Oesten Eriksen Soreide about the new survey.
The KI chief says there’s no reason for people to do archiving in 2023.
The short version
- A new survey shows that very few Norwegian companies use artificial intelligence (AI) to a significant degree.
- Only 344 out of 2,295 companies surveyed use AI in their day-to-day operations, and only 5% of these companies use AI to a large extent.
- Bard Myrstad of AI company Simplifai believes technology will change the way we work, and that Norwegian companies are lagging behind. Kari Lohmann of the Norwegian Data Protection Authority believes that politicians should update legislation to support the safe and ethical use of AI.
The abstract is generated with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and quality guaranteed by Aftenposten journalists.
– We were somewhat sheltered behind the reef. The development of artificial intelligence has been faster outside the world than here. Bard Merstad says: Evolution has now reached such a point that it has swept us like a wave.
He is the CEO. At Norwegian AI company Simplifai, I am convinced that AI will change the way we work. How agricultural machinery revolutionized agriculture.
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