He becomes an energy consultant and improves existing buildings

He becomes an energy consultant and improves existing buildings

Work on existing buildings It is the main market for most construction companies. The need for craftsmen who know how to rehabilitate and save energy is great and growing, say department heads Nils-Jürgen Broden and Jens Morten Soried at the Building Association.

Also read: New rules for working in residences and buildings from the beginning of the year (+)

Energy consulting is very popular

One of the course participants is specialist technician and general manager Thomas Støle Fidje at Audna Bygg.

– We have many questions about post-isolation and solutions. But as a general rule, the answer is more complicated than the customer might think. They want to fix the current in one wall, when it’s the whole house that loses heat, says Støle Fidje, who drove from Lindesnes to attend the builders’ association training course.

– It’s my first time taking a course in Byggmesterskolen and it’s definitely worth a visit. Existing buildings make up a huge part of our workday and we have to keep up, says Audna Bygg managing director. (photo: Bygmesteren)

Audna Bygg carries out rehabilitations, conversions, additions and new buildings. In the past year, customers have become more concerned with saving electricity.

– You often see that there is a delay in our market. People want a lot, but take their time. It’s not like in Corona period everyone suddenly had to renovate the bathroom. It was a quick procedure, but if you intend to rebuild the house, install solar panels on the roof or re-insulate, it will take longer to get to the order, Støle Fidje explains.

The fact that it’s now an Enova-certified energy advisor might make more customers decide.

– I think it would be interesting to create energy reports. Then we can show customers what they got from the solutions. Documentation is also important for loan and grant applications, says managing director Audna Bygg.

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Learn about important options and exceptions

Department Head Jens-Morten Søreide believes the Master Builders Association course is well suited to today’s market.

– Now that new construction is down a bit, there are many who want to renovate their homes to reduce energy use. Others want to repair damage or upgrade their building. We look at how the building can be evaluated so that the chosen solution is technically and financially sound. After all, it’s your duty to advise on the right choice and advise the client on measures that aren’t included, Soreid says.

– Working in existing buildings has not become easier, but with the new exemption clause, the authorities have at least given municipalities more latitude to interpret the regulations. It could make it easier for the municipality to approve exceptions than before, says subject manager Jens-Morten Søreide, who wants a simple technical regulation for work on existing buildings. (photo: Bygmesteren)

From January 1, a new exemption provision came into force whereby the responsible applicant can request the municipality for an exemption from the technical requirements.

– In the course, we review the valid reasons for obtaining exemptions according to the current regulations. What is the normal upgrade of the building and reasonable framework for the solutions, the specialist manager explains.

The goal is to get more people to apply for exemptions from the regulations, rather than to apply for one.

Exemption requests often fail and are rejected by the municipality. Previously, you had to request a waiver because of the “disproportionate costs” of meeting technical requirements. Like if you had to re-insulate the house a large amount and still wouldn’t meet the tightness requirements, the rest of the construction couldn’t be upgraded. Now municipalities have been given more room for interpretation by the authorities, but it is still uncertain how an individual case manager will use their discretion and process your application, says Surid.

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Work on existing buildings is complex. We spend half a day on paragraphs and regulations. Then we look at the choice of methods to meet the regulations. It’s all about ventilation, vapor pressure and post-insulation, say Byggmesterskolen’s material managers. (photo: Bygmesteren)

Material Managers are pleased that the course qualifies participants as Enova Certified Energy Consultants.

– There are still too few energy consultants and too much customer demand. One course participant said they now receive so many inquiries about energy saving that they can only follow through on half, says topic manager Jens-Morten Søreide.

Facts: Work on existing buildings

Building Pioneers Association organizes its academic activities through: Master of Construction School.

The next session will be held in Stavanger 21 and 22 February It is suitable for anyone who carries out measures and/or projects on existing buildings.

Course participants should gain a good understanding of the rules that apply to existing building measures, make good appraisals, select and communicate appropriate solutions and product selection. Builders who have completed the course can enroll in Enova record More than Certified Energy Consultants.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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